Yo how's this moral code sound (and by that I mean when to engage in pvp)

this is usually my thought process on whether or not I should engage in fighting anyone outside of an arena environment

jumping people is out of the question for me if nothing has been done that would cause a person irl to want to fling ink at somebody with sufficient speeds I just don’t

If I see somebody kill a player no matter the killer or victims reputation I will often ask why they killed that player and if I get a
“their name was red”,
am attacked myself, etc I fight (this is mostly so I can slaughter rakers without remorse)

threats are a case by case basis; if you’re obviously just there to farm reputation of course I’m gonna leave you alone, same goes for everything at the silent tower (for personal reasons), I do usually draw the line at killing shop npc’s as they serve a purpose beyond simply giving quests and looping dialogue.

there are other edge cases like if you’re being toxic to other players or tricking new players into getting into fights they have no hopes of surviving (which I have seen happen, they left the game and it was sad) but that about covers all of it

Attacking someone who is already low after a fight is kind of toxic imo.

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did you like only read that bit of the paragraph? The whole reason for that was to fight rkers… somebody who’s already jumped somebody or attacked them for no reason

that’s kind of a shitty moral code

No reason huh? I myself attack people because it’s fun. I’d say that’s a pretty damn good reason.

alright but if you’re randomly attacking people as to get advantage in a fight you really shouldn’t complained when you yourself are jumped right after

Do whatever you want. There isn’t really any moral in this game as long as you don’t scam, harass, or come with toxic remarks like: “gg ez”, "Get good ", or “trash”.

Dude, when i attack, i attack people who are max hp. Not when they have just finished fighting someone. When i fight, i want it to be fair.

And that is fair enough. However, he can do whatever he wants. It’s not like dying in this game matters (unless you are being pursued by the MC. Do not attack people who are being hunted down by the MC).

I’m aware. I just said that it’s a little toxic, which it’s. But yes, he can do what he wants.

the existence of the conversation between me and the killer before a fight would imply plenty of time to heal

Idk man. Only if you or the guy are really slow typers. Asking ‘‘why u kill him man’’ and saying ‘‘because it’ s fun’’ should normally take up to 15 seconds at max.

why think this deep about it lol

because people really don’t like getting killed for no reason and having a moral code gives me reason

it seems like you want to justify attacking people, but this is a game so you don’t really need to do that unless you just want to feel morally superior to the other people playing for whatever reason

If it being fun isn’t a reason to do it, than that isn’t either.

that’s not exactly the reason it’s just like senseless killing doesn’t seem like the direction this game is going in, nor is fighting people because of the color of their name. Quite a few people complain about getting “Rk’d” in scenarios that really aren’t. I was mostly posting this to get a read on if people would do just that and complain.

I just put the enjoyment of the community as a whole above my own

That will happen even more once they add bounty hunting. At least then you should be okay with it. because we have a ‘‘reason’’ to do it.

that’s why a good rep alternative to bounties is on my wish list not because I’d make use of it but because it’d solve that inequality but in the end it’s probably wishful thinking