Yo just joined because I started to do patreon thingy so figured might as well get all my perks for it

You will see me active on mostly discord I might post some pixel art and screenshots but will will have to see. TO CLARIFY NOT POSTIN SCREENSHOTS OF THE PATREON JESUS CHRIST I JUST MEAN MY OWN.

I’ve always wondered, can you take patreon leaks, trace over them, and then show them around?

Uhhh ask a mod.

I’d assume if they aren’t too revealing of new content and just kind of give a jist of what it’s about, probably?

Probably not I just meant screenshots of the game

Oh youuur patreon. Who would pay for that?

No I mean just I joined here because I joined vetexs patreon, and because I did that imma be active on here posting screenshots and stuff like that on this website here.

Mkay mkay mkay got it! Seems like you got the idea that I want you leaking patreon stuff. I just found this the appropriate spot to question if you could do that tracing thing.

Well if you have access to patroon I have one question

is vetex cooking?



Hi there

Leaking patreon is now a bannable offense with a punishment system of

  • Warning (Applicable in some cases)
  • 1 Month Community Ban (All Platforms, Incl Game)
  • Permanent Community Ban (All Platforms, Incl Game, For a second offense)

In other words.


Fully aware, but if you redrew the leak, it’s now an original piece of artwork, so could you hypothetically show that around?
I’m sure it wouldn’t hold up in court if you said no, but would it hold up on the forums?

I guess it doesn’t counts those valuable qnas in patreon channel of Vetcord?

No as long as it’s just something Vetex said he’s fine with it.