Yo what do yall find attractive in a person

yeah the post’s self explanatory, can be as vague as yall want

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i grow softer to people who do music/play music instruments

i find somebody attractive if they are from the video game devil beater (unless its vritra)
i also find chemistry people totally attractive not because walter white is hot as fuck and cooks meth like pro

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i fear them (in respectful way)

im more into languages people

yes be afraid of chemistry people
they will gas your house

unbashed malewives, people who are gentle, and people who have a cold demeanor on the outside but are very nice on the inside

also sharp dressers with dark humor.


oh yeah cooks impress me a lot too

i like watching cooking stuff so yea

am i allowed to say good looks?

okay, people who vibe with me and have good chemistry. helps to have similar interests and appreciation for things. i’m down for soft bois and the aforementioned “scary/intimidating ppl with a good heart,” long as the vibes are there.

as for things physical

  • big man tiddie
  • h a n d s, big hands
  • more height never hurt but short guys are cute too (just don’t be shorter than me, not a hard ask, right?)
  • not physical, but bi/multilingualism is FUCKING HOT (preferably a languaged i’m trying to learn)

Absolutely nothing

i am walter white
want to cook meth with me

Physically, it depends on each person but that never fucking matters.
I like a woman who won’t stand for any bullshit I give her, but also not be a total prick. Some chaos is nice, but… Yeah, I just like myself an honest, kind person, I guess.

I have not been romantically attracted to a person for at least 7 years


What If
I Cook Meth For U…

I know a guy who fits the physical thing perfectly
absolute unit in every way

i forgot to add if they are addicted to drugs they are hot
even better if they give me some


people that are kind

that shit mine now bitch

oh yeah, really important, but if you can rock a dress/maid outfit/cross dressing THAT’S HOT

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@Chron if their name is chron they are attractive…
no homo tho