Yo what do yall find attractive in a person

legit just have a nice personality

if you’re a a genuinely kind person that’s all I care about

a fat ass :nod:

Simple. If you love Morden, I am attracted to you.

i get the feeling that women actively try to avoid you

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I value one of those amiable and friendly people that are almost impossible to anger, looks are fine and all but appearance means shit if the person acts like a complete jackass

2 overall KD/R in Bad Business

I’m bi, they’re not my only target :mariomug:


Just someone who can give me faith in others.




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that’s fair

Anyone who’s interested into me ig

Any girl wearing glasses

Being taller than me

Showing interest in stuff I also like

Nice thighs

Wearing a maid outfit

Buff women


What’s your height, exactly?


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smol, veri smol

extrovert ig, i dont need another “oh no talk scary”, i exist
taller than me, no reason
huggable, sorry i just really enjoy the warm of a hug
or just decent personality ig, my standard are very damn low

I find things attractive in people as well, but I don’t get softer, quite the opposite…

  1. Having the same, or a close mindset to me, which includes humour, way of thinking and perceiving things around them, and perhaps some knowledge. Opinions are not necessary, since disagreements and debates are good.

  2. Being anle to swim well, have good stamina, being able to run, while not necessarily looking fit.

  3. Knowing how to eat well.

  4. Having SOME, common sense and self esteem, because… Yeah, the reasoning Watermelon gave.

Now, from the physical appearance side:

  1. “I LIKE EYEEESSSS!”. Yeah… That.
    Like, (Something that would fit in the “Confession Time” topic): Every female I meet, when I have some distance and am assured that I am not being watched I always analyze their eyes to the most detail I can. Some are quite surprized by what I see actually, especially if brought up in any conversation. So, someone having big eyes… Yesss…

  2. Not having the body and face of a supermodel. Like, females who are way to hot… No… Don’t like it.

  3. Curly hair.

(Note: It’s a long list, I know it but I am a picky person.)