Yo yo yo here's Morden

Well uhhh
I guess one or two testers are going to get their roles revoked then

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wait did you just leak?!

That or hes shipwrecked

hes not the one who made the gif so it probably doesnt count

I have 3 things to comment.

  1. Morden is now pronounced the Hobo King
  2. Magic circles look like the sun
  3. They probably both got paralyzed bc the gold got electrocuted after they lightning hit the other player.

I like the new magic circle, it is a perfect blend between simplistic and complicated.


He was younger than I expected him to look. The name Morden reminds me of some fictional military leader.

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What if… That wasn’t actually Morden…?

well thats just great
vetex allowed the gif to be posted but he didn’t know that he was in it, that shit leaked right passed him


Plot twist: That’s his twin brother named Mordan

Ja-Janken in the making??image

something tells me this wasnt intended…

morden is homeless confirmed

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fuck it


So I got most of design guess wrong about him, except that he is a hobo so eh

Why was the player on a ship with a homeless man

BNT where is morden x theos?