Yo yo yo here's Morden

yes and no
vetex said the gif was allowed but he probably wouldn’t let it go through if he actually saw morden (idk how me missed him, he’s in every frame)
it’s not too major i think


It’s possible Morden’s appearence is unfinished. He roughly looks like a current WoM NPC.

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i won’t talk about his design anymore until vetex makes an official reveal on him

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I mean I was just suggesting that since I doubt anyone knows yet, but… Oookay then, that happened.

wow that guy is lucky to be struck by lightning lol

this does not change my bet on him having a curse

People like Morden who look like homeless people always end up being powerful asf :fr:

bruh just imagine you wake up on a island on middle of a storm,and then you look to you right and see two levels 90 fightning

Morden must not be afraid of anything to be crossing his arms like that

Morden has a friggin Bowlcut yEEEEEEAaaaaaaa

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Is everyone just gonna ignore the lightning spell named “Gold Beam” and the gold spell named “Pyro Force”


King David Silver looks like a raggedy old man in the streets, dark wizards and bandits think they can take on this senile man but little do we know, he has gains under his cape, a six pack, he just look like a regular husbando but with grey hair.

Always the ones you lease expect tha turn out to be planet busters

Always the ones you least expect to turn out to be your husbando.

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Damn, I thought Morden could have a much more unique design but I guess this is fine

Design might not be final but that’s not stopping all the fan-fic writers and artists.

Yeah, that makes sense.