Yo yo yo here's Morden

Landon, the guy in the borealis.

ik but where did he come back

Some point in the 5th or 6th sea. He was already in the 3rd sea next to the big foggy area. I think it says in the lore doc.

He could be just as much of a husbando as King David will be

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Ayee yeah I was going to say that. Like why would he keep his hobo clothes.

I thought he was going to be theos 2.0

Thank you for the awesome explanation. :slight_smile:

Yeah, definitely that one Acid Why was he never really useful or part of anything besides a quest he could’ve done something so useful to the story. :thinking:

True, he felt like more of a side-character than anything else imo

;-; poor morden

i thought he was more than that

I’m waiting for artists to bust their styluses out and make fanfics like the Mino x Exiled era.

what is that grave? who is in the grave?


those are either boat parts or wonky looking blood (also welcome to the forums).

could be a budget grave

that’s my secret hideout where I use to peek at morden


Don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to…

Also, you are welcomed to the forums.

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