Yo yo yo here's Morden

how do we know he’s even a wizard?

We don’t but considering this is a game based around people who have magic you would expect our “rival” or whatever he is to also have magic.

what magic do you think he will use?

Idk I’m just hoping not fire or lightning because they are way too generic.

lightning bad

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Y’all notice quite a few notable people in AA either used fire, a heat mutation or a heat curse?

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Theos, Trigno, Torren, Rupin, Verdes, Undead prometheus?(We don’t know if he used promethian flame)

Why do 3 of them start with T

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Prometheus Used Grand Fire Magic

There was also that one fire wizard that you first fought on a sky island but he’s probably not really noteworthy


I have spent over 300+ Hours on this game… Every single player and npc I ever saw… And morden looks worse than all of them

He’s pretty basic yeah, but that’s the point.

As vet said in this thread, his design makes sense with his backstory (which we have no knowledge of yet but we speculate he’s a hobo)

So it’s basically a what-if if trigno asked for help from us after he fought rupin instead of theos after getting blown away from a blast by durza. Except trigno is morden? I get that but does he even use magic?

i had a stroke reading this

His appearance could change over the story, getting new gear and stuff. Don’t expect him to look like a hobo for long.

Lemme reword it for you.

“So basically if a damaged trigno put you to the test instead of theos?”

it was never said that he’d be a recurring character

no trigno is much, much more wise

why wouldn’t he be? the guy who you were supposed to find the leg for was important to the story later on.
