You are an immortal person and your goal is to start a religion/cult/following

all of these magics suck I wanna control something more intimidating

like searing hot ashes and smoke or freezing ice/snow

imma just make ice age with ice magic then kill half the civilization

…how would that help you in forming a cult

make the rest of civilization bend under my will therefore forcing them to make me their god and worship me until death :grin:

nah I’d assassinate you tbh

(using scorching hot volcanic ash to melt anything you throw at me :money_mouth_face: and be worshipped as a savior)

you forget that i would be immortal in that situation considering all of most of these situations would all be in different universes but i would never be able to win against the man of a million magics so it would just be a never ending fight

doesn’t the post say that 2 immortal people can actually result in one or the other being killed

then you would probaably win
Screenshot 2024-04-11 12.55.32 PM

gank won

For the bonus round, I assume they do not have God Sight as well. Basically, what I do is

  1. hope they don’t have time powers
  2. While amassing a cult following, flick between everyone I can as fast as I can, starting with the nearest.
  3. I assume they lie low and don’t get a following themselves so I cannot find them easily.
  4. If I find them, I just constantly keep an eye on them
  5. If they become a threat, Fly to anywhere over the Pacific Ocean
  6. Let them fight my loyal followers, who will die for my cause to slow them down.
  7. Just keep moving every time they get close.
  8. Eventually I’ll just get an opportunity to trick them into getting speared, I will always have the foresight.

why are so many people picking god sight, did i misunderstand something about its powers?

Don’t get me wrong, time powers are cool and holding the earths water at your command is powerful as hell, but being able to see everything including the past is really good. You might not have flashy abilities but here - I just solved the worlds greatest historical mysteries, learnt the deepest government secrets and also funny spectator mode thing where I can see if your red really is my red.

I’d use my godsight to blackmail and eventually kill every world leader. Then I will take away every resource. After a week I will see who’s still alive and make them my messengers.

Then my messengers will spread my word and kill the non-believers. Then I will nuke countries that oppose me.

what do you do if I come along :trol:

(because I have 1 millions magics and I am also presumably an immortal in this scenario)

I’ll hope that radiation poisoning takes you out. It worked in Hunter x Hunter after all.

I’d pick invisibility because you can basically in other people’s eyes just conjure shit up, for the bonus round I’d just not turn off invisibility till he’s dead

Meruem isn’t immortal though

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…What didn’t ring about

-1 million magics
-being immortal

@Level i know what you are…

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Ok in that case I’d just do a JoJo part 2 and send you into space, that way you’ll freeze and never make it to earth.