"You are offered a million dollars, but to claim it you must enter the last video game you played, and stay there for a year. If you accept the money, how's life there?"

I would not be a lawyer non-stop for a year for 1 million dollars. Not worth it.

He could just fail his cases, unless losses get you killed or something

I tried out verdun a few minutes ago. As long as Iā€™m invincible, Iā€™ll push through the disease and rats for that bag.

if youā€™re a criminal defense lawyer, eventually it might. One year isnā€™t that many cases plus the firm you would be in wouldnā€™t give you high profile cases anyway

I think your bar license would be revoked after failing the first one

Battlefield 4?

I think Iā€™ll pass.

If you landed in arcane odyssey magicless it would still be possible for learning other skills, I might just go back to the real world and get both a million dollars and know the knocking fist style.

I mean I guess. If I could come back with my fighting styles and weapon skills I would use it as an excuse to explore the world