You can destroy the sunken economy in one of two ways, so which one are you choosing?

And it will make people do cernyx more, as an altrenate to SW

Cernyx’s reputation was lost

1/200K effectively removes sunken iron and sunken warrior sets, as very few people will ever get them
1/10 effectively removes iron, steel, deluxe iron, titanium, ravenna centurion, cernyx, and possibly even argos sets, as there is a much easier to get and much better option.

1/10 not because I want to get sunkens, but because I wanna see all the AO tycoonmancer traders watch as their 100+ sunken collection all becomes as worthless as a summer day ant

the whole set or an single piece?

A single piece

rip cernyx :sob:

from my memory it’s the otherwise, are you mistaking something or am i too slow to catch up with economy

Nope, i’m sure that a single sw piece is worth much more than an acrimony

personally for me, i’m fine with either

when theres something revolving around trading, an economy will arise

counterpoint, make it 1/10 then have it nerfed

I’d go with 1/10, because 1/200k is pretty close to making sunkens a seasonal item and as much as I dislike seasonals for sucking the fun out of trading, it’s gonna be monumentally so much worse if seasonals existed that had actual use.

Also locking one of the better sets behind the most mentally bankrupt feature in the game is kind of rough so I’d take everyone running around with sunkens instead of forcing players to macro for months for a rare tier item.


Honestly I’d make them craftable eith sunken elements instead

1/200k cuz why not. I have the entire sunken warrior set. Not from trading but one is froma cargo, one is from diving spots, and two is from fishing. And my fish count is 300-400

Sunken Chest replaces one chest in the server. Only works in bronze sea

Upon opening it, you get 10,000 of every sunken in the game

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Kind of want it to be more common considering it’s almost objectively the best armor in the game :skull:

For the rarity, it better be top tier