You can destroy the sunken economy in one of two ways, so which one are you choosing?

What will it’s new diving and fishing chances be?
  • 1/200k
  • 1/10
0 voters

Well, since I’m a sunken “shareholder” I’ll take the capitilist route and exploit the masses for personal profit :money_mouth_face: :fr:

If I happened to not have sunkens, the socialist route it is…

I agree but socialism all the way

1/200k gonna make it worth more than an acrimony

SW is already worth more than an acrimony

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What are you going to even trade it for if it becomes 1/200k-

1/200k basically stagnates its obtainment.

1/10 makes every other armor in the game useless.

I choose 1/200k for the sake of armor diversity.

1/200k AND wipe every single sunken item in inventories

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if i make it 1/10 then it can be rebalanced later to not be objectively the best armor i guess
and even if its not rebalanced at least it wont be as bad to get a decent loadout

Where is the option to just delete sunken’s in their entirety?


same energy as “what would you do to ruin someone
s life that does not involve killing” ig

Funny how economics works like that. If you’re rolling in dough, or believe that you one day will be, you want the system that exploits the commonfolk into sweating their rears off for you.

But if you’re broke, and don’t want to ever work, you advocate for the system that basically pays you on the back and say “that’s okay, you don’t have to do nothing”.

Sometimes, it’s actually somewhat fascinating to study the economies of video games. Really, they’re just like economies in real life, but they run at hyper-speed and there’s almost always competition.

This has been deep thoughts with Gamehero14

I like thinking about the economies in games too. Hypixel skyblock has a particularly good one.

If it was 1/10 it wouldn’t be unique which would mean that it wouldn’t need to be better due to its natural rarity so you’d just be able to balance it at the same level as other common armours just put different stat distributions for the sake of making it a unique piece.


imagine sunken warrior being impossible to get for newgens while everyone else has that sunken armor?

maybe just wipe them lol

Exactly, just look at this thread! Most people vote 1/10, indicating tht they don’t have sunkens. Really fascinating microcosm of economy imo

i dont like how sunkens were easier to get for a long time anyway due to luck 5 (even if you cant do that anymore)
so just make them not be special whatsoever anymore

I voted 1/10 because I feel like having the best armor sets being locked behind two tedious mechanics is just sort of lame? I know they’re supposed to be grindy to get, but I’d want that grind to be fun or not have to shit my pants in fear every time I see one of those freakish Jellyfish model. I know Meta’s point of build diversity counteracts this, though; all it makes me want is for more build armor to be useful (i.e. not devoting 50% of its extra stats to a yellow tumor), although that’s for another thread.

Obviously they’re Sunken items, so like it or not, they have to be from water-based activities. I think people would like it if they came from Sealed Chests at a 1/3,000 (War Seas) or 1/2,000 (Dark Sea) rate if there was a more active way to get them, although I fear that might make their rarity factor sort of worthless.

Regarding the economic reasoning behind it, I have Sunkens, but I also have an item hoarding issue.

I vote 1/200k, even though I dont have sunkens

Most people dont appreciate the value of sunkens enough. Its sure as heck gonna make people appreciate sunken