You guys got OCs? If so, I have a big hellpile of OC questions for you

He’s actually the “captain” of his own gang of undispened mercs. I say that in quotes because no one actually listens to him

Sounds like The Dragon Warrior’s kind’ve team. When can he join?

What is your discord server?

Going to answer for my WoM “OC”, Griffin Banks, who really isn’t a developed OC of mine ig. More or less developing him/his personality as I go on

2021 October Collection

  1. Fruits, doesn’t really matter
  2. Idk a lot
  3. A slutty witch
  4. Attempt to scare the fuckers to death before giving them a single piece of candy for their torment

2021 November Collection

  1. Would probably toss it away considering that he’s a vegan.
  2. Probably magic
  3. A great warrior
  4. They have magic
  5. “Henry” since no one goes looking for a “Henry” nor is anyone suspicious of a “Henry”
  6. Usually fighting or emotional repression
  7. Wine
  8. Shock/surprise
  9. He thinks it’s a natural part of life though will go through whatever it means to avoid it, no matter the cost.
  10. No, very honest and open person
  11. A respectable purpose in life
  12. Rap and rock
  13. “Sure”
  14. Adventurous
  15. Trees
  16. Boat or legs
  17. Gives a nickname to everything to grow attachment.
  18. Joy that someone could be honest with them though would be sour if their honest opinions were negative, eventually would recover without much issue
  19. Doesn’t do it
  20. A Falcon
  21. Loud noises, usually covers his ears, gets away from the noise, or destroys it’s source
  22. Fighting and meditation, depends on the intensity and reason. May also just try to go straight for an apparent solution
  23. A tree house
  24. 9, It’s the highest
  25. What is his purpose, although this is a subconscious question
  26. Refuses to use magic due to it being from a godly source where as everything else was made by everything else, magic is foreign and thus he didn’t use it.
  27. The color of his eyes. He wants purple, not green.
  28. Rap
  29. Minecraft
  30. A family
  31. :frsleepin:
  32. First approach would be money, second would be his body, third would be a plead, and lastly he’d just give up

2021 December Collection

  1. Usually just ask
  2. Try to confront the issues presented in the hatred filled rant then asking for them to fight
  3. The color green and a sunken sword
  4. Yes, they swim fairly well but clearly not a professional
  5. Usually my characters are borderline asexual and borderline aromantic so really neither, it’s just natural to them. This is sadly a personal issue that I constantly bestow upon my characters, past and present.
  6. He loves how he looks though does wish for some minor changes
  7. Unintentionally stealthy due to his joys for quietness.
  8. Nothing
  9. No but one I’d use to describe him is “I will still rise.” → the song
  10. Not really.
  11. Swords
  12. has not said fuck before but can if so desired
  13. “We have food at home”
  14. just smirks
  15. looks like a cinnamon roll and will kill you
  16. represses sneeze

would continue but it’s almost 3 AM where I live and I to, you know, sleep, so I might continue this tomorrow might not idk idc


allah bismillah the mental edginess of the forum users have finally revealed themselves

Answer every question with a gun

:pray: bismillah hirahman nirrahim :pray:

Where did the h in the 2nd one and the n in the last one come from?? :sob:

I’ll try to do more but with my second ever OC, Matt Clarke
cool man honestly
also before saying anything he’s a ghost yet he can’t go berserk as Spencer
gonna do the october one

  1. Healthy food you could say
  2. He can lift uuuh
    idk yet i only can saaay that he’s strong
    he can carry two people in both arms
    that’s it
  3. As a pirate
  4. He would probably just turn off all the lights, open the door slowly while being invisible (because he’s capable of that) and scare the hell out of 'em

enough is enough for today :bug:

sounds like a nice guy :+1:

bumping to this post to tell you guys that the OC questions collection is now updated + this exists + it’s almost a year since I’ve been asking oc questions daily


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[2022 October]: Aether Overdrive

  1. An opportunity to grow stronger and become a better fighting spirit
  2. Possibly, they don’t like going head on and they use speed often in battles
  3. Somewhat passive, they don’t randomly attack others
  4. ???
  5. Fighting/Extreme Speed + Agility
  6. No
  7. When the character attacks them while in hyper mode
  8. ???
  9. No
  10. Corruption: they become a random killer
  11. Nothing really, just enjoy fighting
  12. Aether Lightning
  13. ???
  14. Aether
  15. Use agility and dodging tactics? (only did martial arts for a short time)
  16. No
  17. ???
  18. ???
  19. No
  20. ???
  21. Strength, Bravery, Tactics (warrior traits)
  22. Like caring for a fellow soldier in battle, teamwork
  23. ???
  24. ???
  25. ???
  26. ???
  27. Possibly fizzy drinks/energy inducing
  28. Hunt whoever was responsible, and willing to die just to see the enemy suffer
  29. ???
  30. ???

Acceptable Necrobump

i’ll answer questions later

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Gonna do them in chronological order for my current file, Arthur Water.

2021 October Collection

What is your character’s preferred kind of food
Bread, specifically when dipped in a thick beef stew. Since Riverville is a fishing village and doesn’t subsist on hunting or farming, most of these ingredients would be obtained in marketplaces or in other cities entirely. Definitely not something he would eat everyday, then.

How much can your character lift at once? What are they capable of carrying? (doesn’t have to be specific, a rough reference of their strength is fine)
My current estimate would be about 275kg, but due to having anime strength, he’s actually quite lean. He is a more agility-focused fighter.

Questions 3 & 4
Halloween doesn’t exist in the AU, nor do any similar holidays (to my understanding). Most people are fearful of evil spirits in most cultures, so a holiday celebrating the existence of such things would probably not exist.

Assuming it did though, he would probably give the kids candy.

2021 November Collection

How does your OC like their egg cooked? If they don’t eat egg… If they somehow obtain an egg, what would they do with it?
He would probably prefer them fried, though he doesn’t eat eggs all to often.

If your character had a chance to snap one thing/person away from the existence, what would they pick? Or would they save the chance for later?
He would surely save such an ability for later, though he doesn’t seem like the kind of person that would want to snap anyone from existence.

What does your character want to be remembered/known as?
He would probably want to be remembered as a generally good person. At some point while his parents were alive, he might have said something like “a loyal son”, though he left to become an itinerant mage-for-hire while they were alive, so it’s not like he was too dedicated to this ideal.

What’s one thing about your character that they don’t want anyone else to find out? (tbh this is basically ‘what is one of your character’s secrets?’)
Although he presents himself as a very respectable and well-mannered person, he was quite a delinquent in his adolescence. Well, more specifically, he garnered a bad reputation among his fellow children for habitually beating up other kids. He never started the fights, of course, but he could seem like a pompous asshole to others for insensitively showing off his talents, so he attracted a lot of trouble with the delinquents of his village. He doesn’t like telling others about this, though.

If your character has to go by a fake name/alias for whatever reason, what would they come up with? Bonus: any reason why they picked that name?
Ganara. She is a side character in one of the popular stories passed down from his parents. Somehow, he really admired her carefree nature and thought that her lifestyle could possibly be fun, to his mother’s worry and confusion. He has had to create a fake name once or twice, and he uses a variant of that name every time.

When your character is feeling down, how do they deal with it?
He would try to distract himself by doing more work, or by acting friendlier than usual. If none of them work, he just tends to sulk to himself.

What’s your character’s preferred beverage?
He isn’t a heavy drinker, and in fact hates alcohol. He only drank it in his teenage years to impress his friends and some of the girls that he liked. Right now, he’d probably say he prefers grape wine, but he only has a slight preference for it. As long as it’s wet, it’s probably fine.

What would be your character’s reaction if they get stabbed by a sword?
He is an itinerant mage, so he has had to get used to being hurt in battle. He wouldn’t shrug it off, but he wouldn’t panic either.

What are your character’s thoughts on death?
He doesn’t like people dying, in principle. He doesn’t like thinking about people he likes dying, either. Contradictorily, however, he doesn’t care about random people or people he doesn’t like dying, though he might act as though he does out of social obligation. He does kill for a living, so at point he became numb to it and learnt how to create that fine line automatically.

Does your character lie about anything?
Yeah, though he doesn’t do it very often.

If your character can steal/take anything* from anyone, would they take the chance? And if they do, who would they take it from?
He considers himself blessed, partly because he was born into a well-to-do family, and partly because he was born a mage. Being a mage presents him with limitless opportunities. If he’s ever coveted something of another person, it’s probably only been something minor like an article of clothing, which he could always buy anyway. He doesn’t look down on others for it, but he doesn’t pay attention to anything that doesn’t interest him, which is probably more annoying to deal with.

What kind of music/songs would your character have in their playlist?
He’s not a great music-person, though for a short while he obsessively went to a certain bar at the south edge of time to hear a particular entertainer sing. She would chant while playing a stringed instrument. He still thinks about her sometimes.

If your oc walked up to somebody they knew and said “wanna hear a funny joke?”, what would they follow up with?
Probably an unfunny joke about magic. He doesn’t crack many jokes, though.

How would your character’s best friend/someone who has a crush on your chharacter describe them? (You can make up their ‘best friend/someone who has a crush on them’ just to answer this, I’m just curious about your characters through bestie/crush lens.)
He’s an objectively physically attractive man, and he does have great manners, so that’s a good start. Most of his annoying traits would probably be justified as him being somewhat aloof by someone who had a crush on him. He has many friends, but none that could be considered a “best friend”, though for completely different reasons depending on perspective. He doesn’t consider anyone a best friend because he is quite shallow in his appraisal of others, and, being a talented mage, there aren’t many that impress him. Since he subconsciously sees himself as superior, he mentally sabotages himself from getting close to them. Consequently, he tends to be a nice but somewhat unreliable friend, so most of his friends wouldn’t consider him a “best friend”.

If someone asks “What’s your favorite thing in the world?” to your character, how would they answer?
He would probably say something about magic or the other.

Which vehicle does your character usually use? (Or what do they usually use to travel, if they have magic or they straight up run from places to places yadayada)
A horse, called Iget. He bought her about 5 years ago, from a breeder.

Does your character give nicknames/pet names to other people? What kinda nickname do they usually give them?
Not really.

How does your character react to other people’s honest impressions/feelings towards them? Is there any specific impressions that intrigued them? (Like if your character is generally disliked, how do they react to the dislike? They might be intrigued by the fact there’s a person who somehow liked them, yadayada.)
As previously stated, he can be a bit self-centered, so he doesn’t pay attention. Because he is just that self-centered, it is often quite surprising to him to hear others have any strong opinions towards him, whether positive or negative.

What are character’s thoughts on dating?
He hasn’t ever done it. He’s a bit childish in that way.
He does sleep around very rarely, though this is often whenever he comes back home, and this is with about 2 or 3 childhood friends. There are probably some people who would be interested in a real relationship with him, but he wouldn’t know nor care unless told directly.

If your humanoid character can turn into an animal, what kind of animal would they be? And if you have animal/non-humanoid character, what kind of human would they be?
He doesn’t care about animals a great deal, and his connection with Iget is the exception, not the rule. He’d probably give an answer like “eagle” or something. Of course, his justification would be that “they’re strong”.

What annoys your character? What do they tend to do when they’re annoyed?
He tends to just lose interest when he’s annoyed. Typically, he’ll just leave, and will only show visible anger if he is unable to leave the situation. Being denied of much difficulty in his life, he tends to assume that people will let him leave the situation at any given point. He does try to act reasonable, however, his bratty nature does come out sometimes.

How does your character deal with their own sadness (or maybe, other’s sadness)?
When met with other people’s sadness, he tries to cheer them up, though in most cases he’s just annoyed by the fact that he has to deal with such an uncomfortable situation. He does feel bad though. He barely if ever shows his own sadness to others, and is often embarrassed when he shows any real emotion in the presence of others. He usually deals with it by being by himself.

How is your character’s house like?
He doesn’t live in a house, though he visits Riverville from time to time and enjoys entertaining the curious children and talking to the village elders and others from his generation. He would definitely consider Riverville his home, especially since his family home is there. While travelling, he uses a simple tent, and carries a bag that contains most of his important personal belongings, as well as several books for record keeping, assisting in investigations, and documenting rare phenomena. The tent he uses is one that was supposedly used by one of his great-grandparents from his mother’s side, who was also an itinerant mage that eventually settled down at Riverville. It’s quite old, so he often has to fix it. He refuses to buy a new one.

Between 0-9, which number would your character pick? And why?
5. Just seems like a nice number.

What’s one question that your character is trying to find an answer to?
He wants to know just how strong he is, and how strong he can get. Furthermore, he wants to learn and experience all the different kinds of magic that exist in this world. In summary, he wants to know his own position in his inner world.

How does your character’s magics/fighting styles/fighting abilities/‘other powers that can be used in fights’ go with who your character is? (Or like… How does it relate to your character’s personality? Not sure how to word this.)
He is a light mage, but also wields a single steel sword. He tends to fight with both, though, when facing a mage, he tends to want to show off his techniques and combination attacks. Typically, when fighting, he attempts to use a show of light-works to blind his enemy, while actually aiming to deal a fatal blow with his sword. Most of the techniques he developed are a reflection of this, though sometimes he attempts to use newly devised techniques for fun. Something he is currently experimenting with is illusory spells, something which he is only moderately good at.

What does your character want to change about themselves? Or if they have the option to change anything instantly, what would they choose to change?
Nothing much. Again, he’s quite self-centered. Whenever he loses a confrontation, he sometimes finds himself thinking that he has to get better, but because of his work-ethic and innate talent, he doesn’t find himself in a slump that often.

If you can have a custom theme song for your character, what kind of song genre would it be? (You can add other details to their custom theme too, like possible theme titles, lyrics, instruments, etc.)
I’m not really a music person, unfortunately. I don’t even know where to start with this question.

What kind of game do you think your character would enjoy?
He’s the kind of person that enjoys extremely convoluted games with low time constraints, like Chess or some card games. Ultimately, though, he just likes fighting. He can be found in dueling spots and tournaments pretty regularly, only being absent when tackling some quest or undergoing some investigation.

What’s one thing your character would look forward to?
He looks forward to going on new adventures and making new discoveries. He also looks forward to going back to Riverville, which he does at least once a year.

Emojis for your characters?

How would your character get someone to do what they want?
He usually tries to charm them. Despite his self-centered nature, he isn’t strongly disliked among others, and has a largely positive reputation. He is also quite self-assured, so he doesn’t tend to rely on others anyway, and would prefer to think the problem out for himself.

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I have 2

Oh boy

  1. My OC is an immortal scarf, it has little care about life and death
  2. While the scarf cannot be destroyed, the body can. This is a strength because funni immortality, however, if the body it takes over goes into an unresponsive state, it cannot do anything until the body rots away (the time for this is amplified due to the effects of the scarf on the body)
  3. Hard to really describe but every time it swaps bodies, it gets a fragment of those it takes the body of, adding it to their personality.
  4. Not bad, I can have a chat with them and I wouldn’t be killed unless I am “strong” enough to become a vessel (i have no muscles nor abilities :smiley: )
  5. Manipulation of itself, its immortality, and its ability to latch onto hosts is a part of this. It can move like an eel anywhere, whether it be on land, air, or water. It can use this to transform its shape into things like razors, and also change its properties like hot, cold, light, heavy, dense, etc.
  6. (Hard to explain without the lore of my trello :smiley: ) But basically they are a fragment of an anamoly known as "The Void’s eye"and due to the nature of the void, they have the desire to merge back together with the god. While this is their main goal, they are constantly bombarded by generic side-quests so yea
  7. (also hard to explain without context/ lore) When their inner eye appears that basically means you fucked up. Their inner eye draws their potential and connection to the void. Now, unlike a normal anime power-up, this doesn’t directly increase their power, but allows them to bind their vessel to themselves temprarily, basically allowing them to do all the shit they could do in scarf form, but with the body. Only 3 people have survived this
  8. Not much, they were given a jewel that they wish to protect due to the fragment of one of their vesels, but that is it.
  9. Nope
  10. Somewhere in the story the character has their eye forcibly open by a god, this in turns causes them to go on a massacre paired with their current vessel already being a terrible person, it took around 2 years for them to come to their senses
  11. Once again, depends on the vessel, if their vessel was lets say an artists, they might subconciously draw or something like that.
  12. They wouldn’t even know that the feature existed most likely lmao
  13. They don’t really have one
  14. The Void’s Eye reffers to them as “Little fish”, during its rampage, it was known as the “White Calamity”, and some characters who know the true identity of the scarf simply refer to it as “scarf”
  15. Not much I can really say, I guess the only thing i can really say is that we both prefer isolation but aren’t anti-social/ introverts or anything
  16. There is this one gag where it tries to socialize with everybody who wears a SCARF thinking that it may be another fragment of TVE (The Void’s Eye). His inner eye form is also almost always stopped by someone simply touching his eye, which can be seen as a joke
  17. It names things literally by what they are (Like roses as “red flower”), he also meets a stray and names it (loyal beast)
  18. No, maybe TVE
  19. They are secretive but no
  20. By reacting appropriately, if they decide that the confrontation will hurt them, they either flee or simply resort to crippling/ murder
  21. No, they are a scarf
  22. Most likely along the lines of what it is literally. Something like “The close bond between two individuals” or something like that
  23. At the start, they were indifferent to all life but after gaining some fragments they do now show some respect to newer people they meet, They do kind of treat/ speak to TVE as a father figure though
  24. Indifferent
  25. Indifferent
  26. They technically had no conscious when they were “younger”, but as stated above their one current motivation is the merge with TVE
  27. They would probably bring pieces of their cloth (later in the story they can imbue their cloth with anomalous properties) for some cool party tricks idk :person_shrugging:
  28. They don’t really have anything dear to them besides the jewel, if they lost it they would probably simply resort to destroying whatever took it or smth like that
  29. Indifferent
  30. Merging with TVE, though in the very end they express some sort of desire to gain more human emotion

Trust me this isn’t edgy asf just hard to really make it sound not-edgy without giving an absurd amount of detail

Also props to anyone who realised that this character is inspired from Fushi from To Your Eternity

alright babes time for the biggest textwall of your life :hugs:

but I'll do this so the message is much shorter (click at your own risk)

so Ima just refer to them as either “yellow” or “amber” to make this quicker

1: what does your character think about life?
yellow is pretty nihilist while amber tries to find more meaning in things.

2: does your character have any strengths or traits that can be turned against them as weaknesses?

so amber is a good example here, they can make orange crystals that are capable of absorbing energy (like punches, fire blasts, electricity, or any kind of stimulation) and once held on enough the crystals will explode violently.

now amber’s crystals can’t hurt them but the explosions can.

as for yellow, no, I don’t think any of their traits are exploitable.

3. How would you describe your character’s personality?

yellow is kinda just along for the ride on most situations, whenever something goes bad yellow complains a little but can tolerate it usually.

as for amber, more energetic and talkative and might overreact to things but generally good willed overall.

4. if you met your characters irl how would it go

me: “I made you guys”

yellow: “okay”


“WAAATT??? :scream: HOW this is not possible :dizzy_face: I am literally just met you I never know who you were and you saids you mades me and frien :face_with_monocle: but I think you being a liar troll to confuse :imp: how can YOU maek person you a guy it don’t make sense bla bla bla bla bla”

5. character’s main skill

amber makes crystals and uses them to sharpen their fangs for stronger bites, also really enjoys art as a hobby.

yellow go haha kick go brrrrrr, cooks sometimes.

6. is there something your character wants to do, but hasn’t done much to do so?

amber wants a youtube channel

yellow doesn’t really have any long term goals

7. the enemy is fucked when your character does…

everybody gangsta until:

the crystals start glowing and floating

the yellow goofy ass tilts his cap downwards and points at you (he’s very mad)

8. what are some things your character cherishes?

uhh idk

9. does anything annoy your character?

beyond the typical things like someone constantly talking or some jerk on the internet, not really.

10. does your character undergo a redemption arc or corruption arc

thankfully none yet but maybe if they get bigger or wider known in the future something funny might happen idek

11. does your character have a passion for anything?

amber likes drawing

nothing for yellow

12. what would your character set as their wallpaper for their devices

amber: probably something they drew

yellow: literally just black

13. sense of humor?

amber is kinda geared towards like random discord memes of cats while yellow likes scrolling through r/rareinsults or something idk

14. nicknames?

none as of yet

15. shared traits

no comment :male_detective:

16. does your character have any kind of running gag?

amber is kinda downbad about humans or really anything in general that’s passed the harkness test (except some things he doesn’t find super “fun”)

yellow is constantly placed in the weirdest situations ever all for one single normal thing.

17. how do they go about naming things?

amber would try to link it to some kind of physical or personality trait, making sure it is simple yet meaningful and easy to understand after thought of

meanwhile with yellow:

“this is shithead and shithead is a dog”

18. does your character have anyone they look up to?

amber looks up to yellow.

yellow uhh… unknown.

19. does your character have anything they don’t wanna reveal from being embarrassed about it?

amber is acts like a sub a lot but is actually a dom with a massive package but doesn’t like talking about it for some reason.

yellow likes the color hot pink

20. how does your character deal with confrontation?

amber might just walk or run away, only attacking when needed

yellow: “that’s not cool you are mean I will stop you”

proceeds to absolutely rip and tear everything

21. what traits are your characters attracted to?

anything with booba :smirk: (also has to be nice person)

nobody really knows what yellow likes.

22. how does your character define love

amber: its when 2 people really like eachother and then there’s the weird feeling that makes you all fuzzy and stuff and it’s nice :stuck_out_tongue:

yellow: when your phone is fully charged in the morning

23. how does your character treat other characters?

amber is pretty kind to most people and if he finds one attractive he might be more shy near them or tell yellow what makes that person attractive

yellow is really kinda just neutral and takes more time to warm up but he’s a pretty cool guy to be around if you do manage to befriend him.

24. how does your character deal with critique?

amber tries to improve and usually doesn’t realize that most of his critique comes from jealous trolls or bullies and he’s fine as a person

yellow completely stonewalls on the other hand and only takes it from people he trusts most.

25. how does your character deal with compliments?

amber usually says thank you and returns the favor, if its someone attractive they completely meltdown into a blushing drooling mess and it’s kinda funny to watch

yellow does majorly the same but without the meltdown.

26. what did your characters dream about when they were younger, what are they doing now?

amber works as an engineer in the biology field (pretty good pay) and not a ton of information is known about their childhood.

yellow works as a strong arm blue collar in a massive complex that builds war mech-suits called “HMCS” or a heavy multipurpose combat suit (he gets paid surprisingly well), also not a lot of information is known about their childhood

27. what type of party would they go to if they could choose?

amber isn’t super into massive crowds and likes hanging out with yellow or a few friends maybe playing a new video game or something small but meaningful

yellow likes rock concerts.

28. how would they react if they lost something dear to them?

amber would be pretty upset, if they lost yellow they would be devastated.

yellow wouldn’t care for most things but would also be extremely mortified and just lose it if they lost amber

29. how does your character react to authority?

amber: “okay sorry I won’t do it”

yellow: no response and just goes along with it

if it’s unfair tho they might get more aggresive.

30. what does your character’s ideal life look like?

amber wants to live with yellow somewhere in the woods in a large cabin with wifi and several sports cars

yellow wants to kill his parents.

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i already answered for a bunch of my chars but im gonna answer for some random guys i just came up with
September collection btw

  1. Does your character have a part of themself they would never show to anyone (maybe except for the people they really trust)?
    all 4 have edgy ass backstories so probably that

  2. What are some of the events that shaped your character into the way they are? (It could be events that basically changed their view towards the world, made them learn a new skill they use a lot, made them pick up a seemingly minor habit, etc.)
    “The temple attack changed everyone’s life, but none more then mine. It shattered my hopes of being a hero I thought I was”
    “Finding the ruins gave me a chance I thought I had lost at changing the world. Even outside of the blueprints, I could still make things, even though the professors had shot me down”
    “The ritual taught me restraint, not all the laws of nature are to be trifled with. Some things are better left untouched”

  3. Does your character have a strong opinion about something? What is it?
    “No person, no matter how insignificant they are to you, should be left to die. People are only as valuable as the people they have saved and the lives they have helped”
    “Nothing is impossible, things people think are laws of nature are simply setbacks, walls against further progress”
    “Don’t mess with fucking demons”

  4. Does your character have any sort of a berserk button?

  5. Is your character open about their emotions?
    “Fear is contagious, better to hide it then to let it run along the frontlines”
    “Very, if you think is something is wrong, then you have a right to say it”
    “When it is necessary, but not always”

  6. How is your character’s memory? Is there anything they remember well, or is there anything they couldn’t seem to remember?
    “As clear as day, if day was still a thing”
    Doesn’t like to admit, but pretty fucking horriable
    “You think I would make it into the academy if I didn’t learn to study?”

  7. What are some of their own mistakes/failures that your character still remembers?
    Man literally let the sun die
    He still remembers getting kicked out of school
    His failure to resurrect (generic best friend here)

  8. Share three (or more) facts about your character, it could be a minor or major fact about them.

  9. What color(s) reminds you of your character?
    Gray and gold
    Red and gold

  10. What is your character’s opinion on other people/characters in general?
    “Everyone deserves a chance at life, it is only in self defense we should kill”
    “Talking is for nerds”
    “It’s always nice to have friends”

  11. What is your character proud of?
    His promotion to Sun Guard, at least before the incident
    Making a fucking rifle

  12. If your character has a chance to send a message their past self (which part of their past? you decide), what would they say?
    “Save the sun this time, even gods can be felled”
    " You have potential, even if those bastard professors kicked you out"
    “Don’t fuck with demons”

  13. Do you guys have any plans/ideas for your character’s future? Like an older version of them, a powered up version of them in their later character arc, that sorta stuff.
    Probably a redemption arc where he learns to live with his mistakes
    No idea
    No idea

  14. Does your character get easily frightened? Is there anything that can make your character feel that way?
    Doesn’t often feel scared for himself, but if someone he loves or even knows is in danger he can go into panic mode extremely quickly
    He isn’t easily scared
    Despite being able to level entire buildings, he is very easily scared

  15. Does your character have anything that (often) lifts up their mood?
    “The company of friends and a couple of drinks”
    “making new weaponry always helps bring my mood up”
    Same as first

  16. How does your character feel about communicating with other people/characters in general? Do they often hide something, or express something?
    A good commander but not very expressive and extremally secretive, especially about his past
    Introverted but expressive when he wants to be
    Expressive about concerns and feelings

  17. What is your character’s deep fear?
    “That I have let someone die when they have entrusted me with their protection”
    “Maybe they were right in saying i was a failure”

  18. What are some things that your character is good at?
    Keeping people in line and general fighting
    Explosives and improvising, often with explosives
    Studying and remembering obscure spells

two contrasting character best character dynamic