You guys got OCs? If so, I have a big hellpile of OC questions for you

(OCs as in Original Characters)

i’ve been asking OC questions daily on my discord server, and I’ve finally made a page to compile them together lol


where do I fill this out?

oh feel free to answer these anywhere—in your private notes, or here, idm

I dont know how my charcter likes their eggs ):

I’ve failed in my divine duty

now’s the chance to think about it :]

if you think they’re the type to not enjoy eggs, feel free to use the alternative question (p sure it’s like… what would they do if they got an egg)

The problem is that I don’t really eat eggs myself.

The Dragon Warrior be like

evil laugh
and yeah

A couple random ones I did

  1. When your character is feeling down, how do they deal with it?
    Proably by either yelling or going for a smoke
  2. What’s your character’s preferred beverage?
  3. What would be your character’s reaction if they get stabbed by a sword?
    God dammit, not again


  1. What would they do with the kids trick or treating at their place? (If Halloween existed in your character’s settings)
    I don’t have candy. Slams door

The dragon Warrior

  1. When your character is feeling down, how do they deal with it?
    Talks to the Spectator who promptly sighs and says “I don’t have time for this”
  2. What’s your character’s preferred beverage?
    Small levels of poison. The more poison the more resistance
  3. What would be your character’s reaction if they get stabbed by a sword?
    Why does everyone think this would actually work?

How does your character greet someone?
I’m captain Stonewall, I’m a professional. Please ignore the rest of my crew

Will do the february one with my first even OC that i still use, Spencer Allen

  1. Going haywire and killing his friends (i forgot mentioning he’s a werewolf soo)
  2. Hot places n stuff like that
  3. Dog person
  4. He really doesnt care 'bout fortune reading
  5. idk
  6. he’s 16

ok enough is enough honestly

  1. Your character’s thoughts on fortune reading?
    It’s a load of bull. The only way to face the future is with experience and 130 rounds of blaster ammunition
  2. What kind of traits does your character admire in someone/something?
    Professionalism. Someone who’s formal, good at following orders, and efficient

I shall copy you. I’ll use Emily this time

  1. Iggie being taken, Her village and family destroyed
  2. 30*C summer day with a slight breeze
  3. Dog Person
  4. Interesting but probably false
  5. Maybe with the right man…
  6. 15


Last ones for the day. I’ll do them too I guess

  1. That he’ll be forgotten and that no one truly thinks good of him
  2. Blistering Heat.
  3. Dogs. He used to work with a dog consistently and still has a soft spot for them
  4. Answered earlier
  5. He says that it’s for soft people when it’s brought up, but sometimes thinks about settling down and marrying someone one day

cool. Now who is this OC?

Milatary vet for a sci fi story. Might release it
(I’m I should focus on one series but no)

ok. Dragon Warrior who has absolutely no discipline meets military vet.