You Guys Have Any Odd Hobbies?

im so confused on what to say to that i wouldve made a guild leaders be like joke but im pretty sure its just you who does that

Lmfao, I just rlly like things that are heated. Not only do I have 17 heated blankets, but I also have a space heater, a heated pillow, and my car has heated seats lol.

hoarding be like

@Shellseawing You Got A Challenger For Hoarding Things

mmmmm. Yes

I also like playing any pokemon fan games I can because funny


fuck i didn’t check the date


“10 days later”

1 Like

roleplaying (i legitimately got called a loser deluxe in Vetcord because i said i had a roleplay server)

loser premium :trolled:

listen bro the topic is called odd hobbies idk what u want me to say

Does stalking the AO trello and dev forums count?

dude, you are on the forums…

Was talking about this forum not the Roblox dev forums.

i forgot to say specifically the former
and it’s a great pun, right?

i time out people for a minute on a discord server i moderate for no reason other than because its funny

Telling people impossible patterns to give them headaches when they try to think about them.

Sometimes people are smart enough to say “ok yep the next part of that sequence is literally impossible according to all known science and I should not think about it too much”

other times they try to draw or try to create a mental image of a tesseract.

your title of discord certified moderator has been revoked