You know what, here's your Morock topic

Finally, I’ve met another who is intelligent enough to see the light of Lord Morock :sob::pray:

Morock solos your favourite MC. His feats include creating the entire plot of AA. Again, this can be seen by the fact of when he destroyed the Golden Armada, he crippled the Arcane Government allowing a position for people like Trigno, Rupin and Averill to thrive. Along with this, the weakened position of the AG very evidently allowed Durza to swoop into the First Sea (and take the Sand Curse, + destabilise Savaria to the point they had no military or ruler), which can be seen in the fact that Outcast tower exists unchallenged.

Agreed, though Cursebeard is the only character in a non Naval battle who could actually give Morock a proper challenge. (Morock would still win)

Unfortunately, Darkflame is uncanonised, so Promethean Fire actually received a lore-wise nerf from not having its properties.

Truthful, thank you for this wise input NickyZ1.


Two, actually.

Because too many frauds think they can beat him. I had a dream. Morock spoke to me and chose me personally to guide the crusade against the heathens who so use his name in blasphemous actions, such as saying he isn’t the strongest.

is bro really dreaming of lego men whove died thousands of years ago in a pixel game created by some randoms dude fantasy…

He’s real. Big Pharma has been hiding him, but I know where to find him.
Bermuda Locket = Bermuda Triangle.
Vetex is working for Blackrock and is hiding Morock away…


Me when the plot of AA began because Durza revived some ash pile floating on the ocean and not because Morrock fell in the ocean:

Me when the plot of AA required the actions at the Bermuda Locket to have happened for absolutely everything to have came in place:
(read above)

his source is that he made it the fuck up

literally katakuri

my source is the entire plot of AA, using context clues + statements describing the events of the Bermuda Locket