You know what, here's your Morock topic

Out of the 402 posts of This wotan dude I think 300 are off-topic.

Powerscalers, speak here for the love of the big V

Wotan is honestly such a cool figure. Honestly he is unfathomably based for being a top tier fighter in verse with a lame curse

Oh yeah, morock’s cool too I guess.

(I swear this is a complete sentence)

I believe that the entire situation was a clever ploy.
If people see something wrong, they correct it.
So if the thing that is wrong (morock being stronger than cursebeard, despite vetex himself stating otherwise) happens to be about a certain character being better than they actually are, people will make a counterargument against the character.
Therefore, the situation made people like Morock less.
This means that the title of #1 Morock fan remains unchallenged.

Bros onto me :sob::pray:

only thing i know about morock is his sword why are people so obsessed :sob:

He broke the rules of the grand fire curses by not going insane even with the strongest grand fire curse (also being called the Hound of God is fire).

I’ve started to hate Morock’s very existence more and more with the sudden obsession somebody has had with him. It’s a fanboy/fangirl situation but more annoying, or like the guy obsessed with Vitality stuff but less justified, since Vitality is a key build type, while Morock is only in the lore doc and related to one item in AA.

Point aside, has Vetex ever planned or at least wanted players to be able to use Promethean Fire Magic, outside of the one time it was on the Lost/Primordial Magics list? It’d be undoubtedly hard to balance with justification, given that it’s likely the strongest Magic out there, but the idea of it canonically being the strongest and player-obtainable would likely generate a lot of hype for Ancient stuff. That’s also why I feel like it’s only supposed to exist as a plot point for why some characters (like Morock) are stupidly powerful.

Vetex said specifically in the QnA that it wont be available in AO

The only reason i see Cursebeard being the stronger of the two, is because he has four curses that can all work in tandem with eachother to great effect (Especially the Energy Curse)
In terms of raw power, Morock is easily stronger though.

Promethean Fire specifically won’t be available, but the other 4 (Darkflame, Inferno, Scorch, and Aethereal Flame) likely will.
Inferno is just about garunteed, and i know i saw Scorch on the list before it was hidden.
The main reason is because Promethean Fire is basically the culmination of the previous four, and would be incredibly overpowered as it possesses the best traits of all of them. (Infernos raw power, Darkflames insane spreading properties, Scorchs incredibly explosive destructive capabilities, and the speed and brightness of Aethereal.)

Vetex reconned darkflame

he retconned torren, not darkflame last i checked

Nope, retconned the curse too, sorry


I remember someone asking about the grand fire curses and he said that only the other 4 are canon

I’ll find the screenshot in the morning, have to go now

Morock Prime (1000 years experience) + bloodlusted solo’s the verse
no further explanation

ah, darn.
it still exists in my heart.