i don’t even know at this point bruh i forgot what i wanted to title this im tired
Calvus when his shitty trident that has spikes facing every direction but forward sucks at killing people:
why is it a spear anyways, it’d be much more effective used as a blunt weapon… where all the spikes are facing.
Maybe it’s because I literally pulled an all-nighter but I don’t understand a word you just said
oh I was talking about calvus’ weapon and why it didn’t kill Neviro.
(its the most poorly built spear/trident in the history of spears/tridents)
It’d be more dangerous if you just hit somebody over the head with it since then you might actually stab them.
yea, those spikes on the inside better be sharpened on their sides or something if it’s actually used to stab
crack theory, calvus wielded that thing backward
The only reason I see for Calvus being able to impale Neviro with a straight thrust on the Triasta is that he was going at extremely high speeds. It’d make sense for him to be able to use it as a spear if he did that all the time, but he doesn’t even do that for his boss fight; he goes for a stab at the same speed as a regular Crash or Rushdown.
Anyway the art is funny
I feel like just cutting off the head of that triasta and only using the bottom point would actually be more effective
I love how Argos is just indifferent to the situation lmao
Use Triasta Throw whilst semi-submerged so the projectile flies through the air slowly, it does a goofy spin thing, clearly intentional to ensure the damaging side hits your enemies.
bro couldnt beat him
there now it’s a proper thrusting weapon. easy fix. that or…
a batting weapon (with a shoulder rest so Calvus can pose or whatever. he might be a villain but he’s gotta look cool, too
vetex hire me as a weapon designer only for 1 robuck an hour that’s less than minimum wage man
cheap prices for immaculate deals