in Julian’s case he has cutscene armor
WRONG! we wont meet him unfortunately, HOW DO I KNOW THIS?
if you look in the lore doc it shows that the ao storyline will last from 1854-1857. it is at the very bottom of the lore doc where it shows that arevill discovers the world is round in 1867, TEN YEARS after the ending of arcane odyssey
know your source…
I swear humans already found out the earth was round before 100 AD
I’m prety sure Y1867 just marks the end of the journey. Considering it starts with “was off on a journey” it kinda implies that the journey had already been going on prior to Y1867.
it says around this time so I think it basically means the journey was taking place during 1867
I don’t this so, if anything it just means he was still on a journey at this time, if it only comes to an end in Y1867 then using “about” is still pretty accurate.
idk i think the dude who wrote the doc didn’t really care
okay say it DID take ten years for him to travel the entire world, assuming he started in 1857 in the SEVEN SEAS. and theres FIVE sea clusters he goes to (counting seven seas when he comes back) we can assume he got to the war seas in one of these years.
1859, 1861, 1863, 1865
All of these years are AFTER the AO Story is meant to end.
Why no 1867 then? Thats because that was the YEAR he got back to the seven seas and discovered the world is round.
Why are we assuming he started in Y1857? The last mention of him prior to the mention of his journey is in the AA part of the doc which entirely takes place in Y1854. It’s entirely possible, if not more likely that he started his journey after his involvement in the 4th sea or at the latest the end of the AA story. Both of these being in Y1854. Also just assuming every sea cluster took him exactly 2 years from the last to reach is kinda a fallacy. I dunno where the info that he discovered 5 sea clusters came from since it’s not on the lore doc as far as I can tell, but even if we assume that’s true there’s no way to know how long it took for him to reach any of them. For all we know it could’ve only taken like 1 year to get through multiple of them before he got stuck in a sea cluster, decided to stay in one for a few years, or got lost in the dark sea for a while on his way to the next one. That said even if it was 2 years to just get to the first one if he headed east from the seven seas the first one he found could easily be the War Seas in Y1856. If there’s any info actually saying that he left in Y1857 or that he just had to take exactly 2 years between finding sea clusters please tell me.
why don’t we just take into consideration the only source we have and that states that during 1867 he was off on a journey to sail to the edge of the earth and ended up sailing around the entire world
Cause it doesn’t outright that was the start just that during Y1867 he was out on a journey. There isn’t anything that confirms that he started or did the entire thing within a year.
We did lol, the greeks had already known that for 400ish years by that point and not only that but they had calculated the Earth’s circumference to an extremely accurate degree (<1% error margin to the actual value). So that part of the lore doc should’ve said rediscovered
also globe lanterns exist
pls vetex… all i want for yuletide is him back…
averill glazers never fail to dissapoint, never lose your magma
Imagine being the wielder of the Magma Curse, a revered pirate, and the best drip you have is a red T-Shirt
imagine using the light curse and your not even level 300
Red t shirts are all the rage in the 7 seas, even freedrock wears one