You won't be able to make interchange gels in the future, only drinkables



this makes me indescribably angry
vetex pls revert
… that or make luck affect mystery brew that way we can use mystery as a pseudo stat reset


whyyyyyyyyyy whatgs the point of this

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to make acrimony nore valuable and stat changes harder.


no more 9k galleons for a 1/2000 item :pensive:

should I make 2 gels or 2 brews with my only acrimony?

whats the point of that

so people who only do meta can’t easily switch their build or change just cause they see some other build they like more.

Just make a new file.

people say that like there isn’t a massive grind attached to that that’s only going to take longer with each and every update, including this one.

stat resets are hard enough to get your hands on in the current game, they do not need to be on par with AA’s legendary weapons.

heck, they don’t even let you change your first magic.
I’d love to move away from explosion magic without needing to restart everything but that isn’t an option in the current game for some incomprehensible reason.

Well aa lws were 20x rarer so they aren’t

They were a 1/20k from every chest.
These are a 1/2k from any ingredient bag.
Ingredient bags make up like 1/5 chests, putting them essentially at 1/10k per chest.

They’re closer than you think.

Can’t you get it from fishing

No idea I don’t fish often.

I’m pretty sure you can

Even so I’ve always been against important stuff like this and sunken gear being locked behind fishing because of how boring and disconnected fishing in this game is.

wont acrimony have a higher rate in the dark sea
so it hopefully balances out

Welp the Salt stat reset is gonna suffer from this :rofl:

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massive demand increase cuz now there is no way to do “interchange parties”
hopefully the darksea can increase supply atleast by a little bit

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