Your Arcane Odyssey

Betex said he’ll try a weekend release

My warlock is going to be my third file and I think he’ll be the one I play the most

If it’s not this weekend, then I’ll be right on time. Since 24-26 is the last weekend of feb


If im going to be honest i will just mess with the cooking system

Just play the storyline with my bestfrend and make some of my oc’s as builds

specifically? ill probably check out the ship system, ill try to buy the best ship as soon as i can and then mess around with NPC grand navy battles and such

if you want to know then here is my list of plans
:male_sign: suck some sunken :male_sign:
:male_sign: fisting fish :male_sign:
:male_sign: swallow headless :male_sign:
:male_sign: touch your magic :male_sign:
:male_sign: stick sunken sword everyone :male_sign:
:male_sign: make me awoken :male_sign:
:male_sign: fisting boss drops :male_sign:
:male_sign: check odyssey food :male_sign:

A wise man once said, “Swallow Headless”.
O, wise Oleg, your wisdom is not something you should give away for free.

gotta try to swallow headless as well.

Edit: It did not go well

In case you can’t tell, this post is a joke.

I’d spend at least 30 minutes in the character creation screen


try and do activites or exploration as i complete the storyline
By the time i reach the awakening, I want to have completed the exploration tasks for most islands, have a decent ship build, and a decent equipment build, along with the weapons i plan on using

Grind and get a G U N

Once I hopeth on arcane odyssey, I shall embark on mine own journey of becoming the w’rld’s most wondrous cook!

Embrace feelings of nostalgia and be overawed with the new things waiting to be discovered


I’m going warrior, so I will go on a quest to get all 7 rare weapons. Then I’m gonna get them enchanted and upgraded to level cap.

i too would like to do the story!

speedrun to max

Play was a good player do

Avoid spoilers like the plague and do the campaign, and pray I know how to build a character.

You are what greek legends talk about

defintly speed run to max lvl