Your Arcane Odyssey

When Arcane Odyssey’s early access comes out, what will you specifically do first?


look at my surroundings, then cry

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do the story with my friends. (actually i found out in WoM you can’t really do the story with friends other than like the minotaur (so bosses). is that also gonna be how it works in AO? :thinking:

-Get to iris
-Explore the world


well i am really interested in story so i will just progress it above all

fire an ice blast to see what shape it is, i’ve been wondering if it’s still an icosahedron ever since the magic revamp


For the boss fight right? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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same :handshake:

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Defeat her and then explore the world as best as I can basically

:handshake: Respect :handshake:

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Ah, its almost 11. Gotta blast

Key word WHEN.

Going to prioritize the Story. Really interested in how Vetex’s writing has improved since AA

outside of combat, i’m going to make use of those exploration tasks and try to make all of the island names gold :+1:

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honestly was gonna do that even without the exploration tasks lol. tho now it’s gonna be even more fun.

Really the exploration tasks and experience grinding is part of why I want to get rid of iris so quickly and then grind them for easy experience.

Immediately rush to the Dark Sea with a rowboat even if it gets destroyed, I’ll swim around in it for fun.

You might say “But the Dark Sea won’t be on release :nerd_face:”, and to that I say I can only start playing AO in summer or further


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Probably just play the storyline and listen to the epic ost. Gonna main my 2nd file instead of my 1st, unlike WoM. So I’m probably gonna be on the grind to get all 3 files maxed again

After that just hang around with friends I made in WoM

If ao releases before the 24th I can say goodbye to those plans because I currently don’t have a computer to play it on :frcryin: I just hope I will be able to play it on the day of release, so I won’t be behind like in WoM2. Everyone is lvl 200 by now while I’m still at 50 because I had no time to play