Your average AO rant post

I can kind of relate to this with deckhands and jewel crafting, it just really feels like a chore just to get better stats.

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Sunken items taking 30+ hours to get:

I can agree, i went off the deep end calling AO a shit product, because i will admit its still a great game especially for roblox, despite its issues. But Vetex should atleast continue to work on the bronze sea as it is, work on the first area and really hammer down his passion product, it doesn’t have to be perfect but even a little bit more time can make it better than it is now. And I believe AO will keep its dedicated playerbase through updates, because it’s a unique game. Vetex’s magnum opus but still i believe my point stands.

You worded this very well and I totally agree with your points.

I have unfortunately experienced this myself. And before anyone says the expedition team I was on was bad, we were heavily outnumbered (5 noble brigs vs 1 brig 3 with 3 people) and this was before the cannonballs nerf

It’s really sad that these are the kind of people that moderate the game and are supposed to be responsible for a good community

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fr and they even attack their own team i.e noble stole 100 dark sealed chests from JTN, invalidating 4 hours of work

FUCK noble and his squad of basement dwellers, they ever do that to me im selling their personal information off


Noble attacked JTN?

that’s actually funny lmao

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yeah JTN was PISSED in patreon chat and rightly so tbh

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The best kind of hunters, those who ask permission, hunt you and give you back your money

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ao rant post: the game

I will be honest, most of the OP’s rant is just nitpicking all the bad things about the community. I, with my ~400 hours total in AO, will try to show all the better sides to my ability.

First of all, the OP’s point about costly notebooks is invalid because the update caused notebooks to be high in demand, and they were considered irrelevant before, and therefore sold off, resulting in relatively low supply.
The fun thing in trading is trading with people in-game, not on vetcord marketplace or forum marketplace. This is where actual bartering comes in. Pre-galleon list trading could even be called engaging because you could actually convince a LOT of people to trade their more valuable items for your less valuable ones, and in general, the only reason the economy feels damp is due to the fact people play the game for months, and the wealth accumulates without any sink.

Toxicity/player behavior topic:
While there are many sweats, pvpheads only after renown and other unlikeable personas, the sweet spot is having a small community of your own, like a clan or a group of friends. Solo AO gets really tiring and does feel like a chore (take if from a guy who played 390/400 of his hours alone with only music to soothe the mind), and while that isnt a problem I should answer with “get friends”, there is simply no way to replicate the WoM feeling OP has nostalgia about.

That frendlineness came from not having renown counters and the game being so small the only “late-game” activity being fishing or boss farming (unsure about how clans worked in WoM, might be wrong here), forcing players to meet eachother and both activities being PvE, making it feel like everyone knows eachother and trusts everyone.

AO simply does not have that charm, but when it comes to player-based activities, I would say a group clash is probably the best one out there. Even though I have very little expirience with PVP, the one time I teamed up with random guys and 3v5ed another group was an expirience I will never forget.

Broken game/lag/ping/techincal issues:
As stated by others, the game is in early access, and while that dosent make game-breaking bugs staying around for quite some time unforgivable, we see vetex sparing a whole week after every update just for bug fixing. Besides, optimisation is hard to push in what is possibly thousands of lines of code, subject to change not just to fix bugs or optimise the game further, but also due to a roblox update messing with the code.

I am getting off point. The best way to keep up with updates is (Trello), and if you just need bugfixes/sneakpeeks right before the update, vetcord is enough (not linking because thats probably how you got here).

While there are tons of issue both with the balancing team having questionable decisions and vetex vetoing things that are sometimes vital to the game’s balance, there are 2 things you can do to actively change that.

  1. Join the balancing discord and act up there.
  2. Accept the fact that in PvE, almost everything will work simply because the AI can be taken advantage of.

I got off topic again… Anyway, to enjoy the game’s balance, run something considered “suboptimal” or “bad” and see it for yourself. I never heard anyone say a thing about fire iron leg warlock, but I could deal 250+ damage per a skill (even shot) and rising due to fire stacks with a ~90 power build pre-DS. If I didnt wipe that file, I would probably try to push that build even further.

Personal feelings:
As both me and OP mentioned, AO can turn into a chore, and as someone else in replies mentioned, it is because we basically did everything there is to do in the game.
I have been with WoM/AO since WoM test 2, but I liked the franchise back in times of AA, even though my child brain didnt comprehend what I was doing.

Simply put, if the game feels like a chore, drop it for some time and do something else. If you dont feel like dropping the game but playing it feels like taking poison, I suggest trying something you never did before.

It dosent require you to make a new file, or to switch builds. It can be anything that you just havent really done. Mess around with potions, try PvP, challenge yourself against bosses while handicapping yourself, let your thoughts run wild.

Everything carries a bad side and a good side. Wars force technological progress, times of peace make people weak and selfish, and developers become lenient in making good games, only focusing on cash grabs and nothing else. Having AO and Vetex is luck beyond our understanding, and so, cherish the good memories, not the bad ones.

TLDR: The game will not run away, or dissapear, or anything of the sort. Dont rush the time, enjoy it, and, for once;



this surely has to warrant a warcrime and noble should be on the top of the wanted list
Skeleton GIF - Skeleton GIFs

stop yapping…

man i feel u with the toxicity, so many people being hard carried by reflexes agility or size thinking they are so cool, i had several people running and trash talking that im nothing bc i dont have a big number

while i do pve and pvp stuff, its clear i picked to focus more on pvp, most of my time used to be pvp, and i used to be excited to ask people for pvping or challenging myself in unwinable stuff, key word used, reflexes ruined pvp and since i focused more on pvp, my activity ingame is gonna drop, it went from having lots of fun, to smt being meh to oh my god this is so fucking frustrating

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I’m not as active in the trading scene anymore, still yeah I don’t consider it to be as good a place currently relative to earlier AO.

  • The marketplace is a little too dominated by huge lists of every valuable items, either at an extreme markup or with the extremely vague “LF offers” or the even worse “LF overpays”.
  • Seasonals are becoming a worse and worse issue as time goes on, becoming more dominant in the economy which probably makes it harder for newer players to get into trading and makes trading more stale as time goes on. This is an issue I think recently has become worse since the efficiency of luck IV gilded auras has made legendary scales extremely common (relative to a few weeks ago, although it should be noted that DSEs are the main limiting factor in using auras to get sunkens, however the rise of luck parties has greatly increased the effectiveness of auras), which probably has had a pronounced effect on sunken iron inflation which were the main items that were competition to seasonals (Note that sunken warrior has the same issue, but the difference is that sunken iron is much more saturated than sunken warrior). Most boss items have also reached saturation, so they’re not as relevant as they were earlier into AO.
  • I think, on a greater scale, there’s more an obsession with getting overpays and profiting compared to WoM. My guess as to why is that trading in WoM was more niche compared to AO, at least that’s what I’ve experienced across both of the games but that could also be chalked up more towards the differences in player numbers between both the games.
  • Scamming is something I’d consider an issue worse in AO, although that’s not something but I’d blame on the players but more so a result of needing others to jewelcraft, brew, engage in luck parties, and other situations where it’s not a simple one off trade which generally provides more opportunities for people to scam.

For WoM, I didn’t really have an issue with toxicity right up until the guilds update. Before gaining clan infamy was disabled from killing anyone above the level to PvP, it absolutely was a hellscape for the average player (There was also a pretty bad memory leak around that time for a brief period of time I think which made playing for more than 30 minutes pretty unbearable). Even after, being in a guild during WoM wasn’t a great time for the average player. It’s something I’d consider pretty comparable to playing with high fame/bounty in AO. As you said, yeah, the difference now is that the bounty/renown system kind of has every player on varying levels of risk.

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i feel offended but this mostly refers to die hard pvpers (or the gankers of the like) i guess. i love pvp if its controlled or mostly fair (munera or bounty hunting solo same level) but most these points are true and i wish they weren’t

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That’s just how it is in roblox, noticed that a ton of games with an official marketplace wants you to mostly overpay for their items. Even if you reason with them, it all comes down to “Well someone actually buys them lol”. Pretty much it is what it is when we are playing in a platform where majority are children :frpensive:

Vetex is already aware that pvp is shit despite him not being someone that involves in pvp but he doesnt care about fixing them entirely. Why? Because according to him, pvp is a side-feature so it isnt the priority of the game.


^ This one being a reply to someone comparing deepwoken and arcane odyssey in general

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It’s definitely nitpicky, and don’t get me wrong, I still absolutely love AO, i just needed a break for a while, despite that ty for bringing up the good points, especially for how negative the og post was.

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Honestly AO just got way too stale for me

I started flocking to other games and realized “oh my god I’m having fun again on roblox”

decaying winter is fun

the tower defense games I’m high lvl in are fun

some of the higher quality horror games are fun too

Also in loomian legacy I found an alpha halloween cryocub last night so that was cool

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Playing the same game over and over will get stale eventually.

I’ve been mixing up games I played and try new genres, been playing Frostpunk, Mirror’s Edge, Call of Juarez, Gungrave GORE, Minecraft.

or for Roblox it’s random horror game, Entry Point, and Robeats

And boi they are all amazing games on their own, and sure they help me not getting burnt out

ive been itching so hard to start a new infernum calamity playthrough, even more after nameless deity and goozma came out