Your dream magic variation?

How would this work, like a dragon breathing fire or smth.

white ash

just all my favourite magics but this colour for no logical reason

a dragon head looking upwards in flames and also a crimson or magma type red

not magic variation but actual new magic:

Need I say more?



Brooo this is my image literally is what caused me to learn GIMP

also the crimson fire variant still goes hard


White light (I know aether exists)

if glass had obsidian variant, I would have used it.

One can only hope that vetex adds more variants in the future :pensive:

though that would probably take a shit long time assuming it doesn’t work by just changing the hue of the effects :smiley:

but if there was also a dark green poison I would have used that too

I mean it really can’t be that hard right?

I mean most magics seem to just be a few color changes apart in terms of visuals so

I wonder now how does vetex actually make a new magic color?

I mean logically if we are just talking about color changes, all he has to realistically do is load them up in virtually any editing program and change the hue or colorize it, seems like some magics like wood have completely different meshes though :fr:

well wood may be harder but something like poison realistically cannot seriously be that hard right?

I mean you would just have to edit the speech bubble, the poison cloud png, and the magic circle

he said something about not adding any more variants, but hopefully he changes his mind

Green colored plasma

they give water a grey variant

Yellow Snow.

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Fish Variant Water Magic

uhhhhh a dark version of earth called bedrock or something would be cool