Your dream magic variation?

electron magic?

blue magma and stained glass (glass but funny multi-color like chapels have)

sunset equinox


scribble magic

k hear me out but a darkish brown/reddish version of shadow magic could be really nice

or really dark green

image (10)


Blue and Purple explosion called “Supernova”

Black Fire
Purple Fire
Red Fire
Red Lightning
Red Explosion
Red Light
Green wind
Black Earth

Yellow snow

White crystal

green light
it’ll never happen but it looks cool




fard :joy:

Im calling Durza to go to your house.

thanks for the free food

No problem bro :yum:


so copper is being added as a variant in AO, which got me thinking.

“well copper oxidizes and turns into a beautiful greenish black, so maybe we could get a patina variant of metal?”

Basically I’m wishing there was like a rusted version of copper, but it wouldn’t look ugly since copper rust is an incredibly unique turquoise green color with darker hues in it.

ngl a rust variant for iron based colors wouldn’t be bad either, kinda badass ngl, the idea of inflicting bleed with rusty metal sounds like a great way to spread lockjaw and could look cool with an acid combo

I need some purple flames :sob: