Your lastest saved image is why Mei's reaction is like this

it was this video

no space left on device write io discourse or some stuff :cry:


i want it so badly

I can’t even upload the damn thing apparently :sob:
(keeps saying there’s no space on the device it’s uploading to?)

try to re-screenshot it? happen to me, that fixed it

i think a similar thing happened with ruby. Not so sure how to fix it

Mages charging and swapping between 3 magics while having Aura Gamepass

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ok but this one makes sense

Oh yeah that does look nice

i do hope the plan is changed to just let us use all 3 of our magics for charging, it would be so cool, imagine arctic ice + snow + tropical water

a poster of Edward Kenton

Discourse is currently giving me a large hassle for 0 reason on images but should work now.


It is a pretty image indeed, though i do not know where it’s from. .

Someone posted it in a PfP channel in one of the servers i happen to be in and i save images from there from time to time.

I do appear to be barred from posting images cause of “No space left” on whatever is processing. .

Might just be Discourse doing funky things atm.

thinking ceases, the truth is lost

Aw shucks, discourse seems like it’s full at the moment :thinking:
Seems like I can’t upload any photos

Don’t you worry
You’ll be told exactly what to do

bro the latest saved thing I got is a gif and idk what image i saved

a gif is still an image :person_shrugging:


(wont open)
