Your lastest saved image is why Mei's reaction is like this

I’m willing to bet all my bucks that this is what she saw.

Yes I don’t care that it’s a video. Why the hell is the quality so crusty? (My video, not your artwork)

Was going to post the second half of the show but the VPN takes way to bloody long as well as uploading the video

Absolutely magnificent art piece by the way. Especially on the eyes (it reminded me of Oshi no ko. Heard it was really good, but never watched it, but if it is enough to make me think of it, then well done.)


Translation: Arresting middle aged dude caught sexually assaulting an 84 years old grandma

Not your usual memes btw

cnat funmkingt put a picture of me kilimg carina onh here :pensive:

And I bet this takes the cake. I’m willing to bet all my money again.
Yes it’s part 2. I feel like it would complete Mei’s reaction even more, as it has more light and fireworks. It’s also a lot shorter.

Again why the hell is my video quality so CRUSTY!?
Fantastic job on the art. It’s so stunning I have to say it again.
Your dedication, speed and quality is certainly commendable.

My latest saved image

My puppy

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my time keeps slipping away

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wow man

Is this even allowed on the forums??


I am a MM/DD/YYYY enjoyer

YYYY/MM/DD is tolerable

DD/MM/YYYY is just posh and cringe

british :face_vomiting:

tree falls on man sleeping in room full of water and watermelon falls into water

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I used it because it is the only word that describes this without using the word british

That’s a cat

She likes the deer friend, understandable



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