Your own custom magic?

Combine Sun and Blaze magic…
So I can be just like him

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sun + phoenix + sacrifice to make icarus magic might be cool

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you use a magic that can revive dead people when they come into contact with it, you use the magic to kill someone with it

you accidentally strike your dead opponent with the magic reviving them

nott howw itt workss

if only there was a wax magic

So you just want Cataclysm Magic?

ykw, here’s a circle

White-colored acid magic :nod:

That would just be white acid… Oh-

Overlaying Slash and Shatter for Fracture actually looks pretty decent


Some of the exterior semi-ovaloids are offset tho

Offsetting them perfectly looks rly nice


I have a new one:

Art of Judgement

(Balance + Death)
Appears as black light with a pale bluish aura.

It’s special ability allows it to deal percent-based damage depending on how much ‘evil’ the opppnent has (notoriety, opposite rep, pks)

Preset Moves:

Blind Justice:
Manifest an ethereal pair of scales which then tilt in one direction, healing nearby allies and damaging/killing enemies. A gallows will manifest on whoever is killed by this move.

Punishing Blades:
Open portals behind you, firing black blades that arc towards enemies and inflict bleed.

Manifest a fricking gun and shoot an undodgeable, unblockable beam that sends the victim in jail for 10 minutes, regardless of renown.

I’ll finally get revenge on the gankers with this.



that was intentional

Lightning + Plasma

Don’t know what to call it?


Ion? It’s what they have in common.

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