🚨 your thoughts on combat? [data part 5]

every sense, theres simply no reason to pve unless you lack a set for pvp currently

pve feels awful currently, especially the “replayable” forms of pve


I hate ganking because it’s implementation is about as unfair as they could’ve made it

If a ganker attacks me, I could potentially lose Sealed Chests, Treasure charts, and time if I need to server hop just to do what I was doing before in peace. The ganker on the other hand gets to jump whoever he wants with absolutely zero risk and I will gain nothing if I actually manage to kill him

facts idk remember if vetex or tech said it but one of em said this games combat functions as a 3rd person shooter which is honest and i can get behind. so if you’re gonna stand with that look at marvel rivals, their melee characters have m1s that actually work and you can use as a little combo extender. we need justice for m1s

if you play hero and he plays villain he will go to jail for 10 minutes

they nerfed that to 2 minutes in the transition to arcane odyssey (though it still says execution in 10 minutes it doesn’t actually wait that long for real players)

Ok, here I go:

Arcane odyssey has unique combat imo. It takes commitment to its extreme because of the stalling property of every move. Combined with the high mobility and burst movement options, you get combat that resembles stop and go traffic on a highway.

Some flaws on the early game is how it is sometimes unintuitive (The difference that knowing that you should high jump is insane, takes you from being mobbed to attacking enemies almost for free.). Melee combat feels like it is never in your favor, and even when it is, its easily the most risky thing to do. (PvE, don’t be close to npcs. No. Don’t do it.)

There is a distinct lack of “midrange” (except maybe weapons but I don’t use weapons often, if at all) on builds I have played (Warlock, Mage.).

Mage is “incentivized” to stay away and spam projectiles which leads to a simple and straight forward gameplan.

My time as warlock made me feel like FS have kinda plain close range options (m1s are too stubby to use (also thanks terrain destruction for keeping me in the air for way too long) and like no interesting things to do in close range) .
(FS seems to mainly be focused on getting in someone’s face after all (unless new scroll techniques changed that in recent times)), not really staying in their face to put on pressure. Not like they could since no hitstun means escape is easy and their approach options are also committal.)

What ends up happening in my mind is that AOE becomes more important because people can’t hit other people easily (so fast, travel time), and since close range doesn’t feel good (most things easily lead to being out) that it’s typically preferred to be at range. |

Some of the aforementioned commitment from spewing projectiles comes back with clashing. This mechanic effectively forces some people to be more agile because they cannot trade (as easily). Kinda arbitrary but ok???

All of this makes me feel like the game is a lot of “hit-and-run” simply because running is the only thing you can do to avoid major damage (close range scary) and that taking too much commitment means some projectile is coming to your face. Due to the 3d nature of the world, you also need AOE to compete with speed, since the ability to completely halt momentum leads to cases where you can try to predict someone’s movement but they just nope and try to hit you.

Due to lack of hitstun there isn’t much you can do to impede the opponent either so it’s a damage race (most notable against some enemies) or cheese. I mean mage can kite, and melee builds can hit them and then get punished (this game…).

It’s not a bad game but sometimes the combat doesn’t feel well considered. Sometimes it doesn’t feel good. And sometimes the game just messes with you (terrain destruction or stupid large AOEs cuz of the high mobility.).

Instead of fights that feel good it’s more like “I do cool stuff”

That said, I am bad at this game so uh take my words with salt grain.


oops, forgot to have a point… oh well. am tired, might be back later.

i would adore if combat was more ground based than it is currently

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Typically I think we have to make it so that you cannot attack the same person twice for at least an hour after hunting them but I doubt that idea is any good. It’s mostly for protection issues regarding spawn killers but also, a better system to protect players from getting attacked just because they are from X clan.

We should have a gentleman’s code to not have KoS signs for a certain clan as it seems to horrifically discourage new players from joining them. It is a contributing factor for killing the game’s player base as well. There isn’t a perfect fix for this but I believe duals will help greatly if open world pvp is off by default.

oh boy i have a lot to say, but i’ll try to keep it short

combat feels like a third person shooter where you simply track your opponent and spam spells
there’s no rhyme or reason or any semblance of combos because

  1. cooldowns are so short they barely matter
  2. move variety is lacking, and this is a big one

on top of that, it feels like there’s some wacky ad hoc mechanics to keep track of like

  1. cone check
  2. air charges
  3. hidden seperate air charges for leaps
  4. regen and agility stats working differently in combat
  5. weapon equip delay
    etc etc…

i also feel like there’s an annoying disparity between the two weapon paths and the two nonweapon paths, as well as imbue disparity between each of the hybrids

i really like the “style”
but i do think there’s a lot that can be improved on


what that’s not how obtaining rare scrolls works.

how i sleep at night knowing that bounty/renown is a completely useless stat and has no impact on gameplay

Oh my bad.

I meant I delete my entire file so I never own rare scrolls to use.

Even if I used them, file was deleted. No rare spell for me.

bbut but but big number

just don’t use them if you don’t like them???

The files or the scrolls?

I just delete my save files cuz I want to and I don’t spend money on roblox for more save slots.

I actually like rare spells but I always have to grind for them every time I make a new file. So I never get to use them.

just make a zillion alts


i’ve been thinking, would a happy medium be having pvp off by default, but on under conditions such as in a party with friendly fire, someone taking your contract/bounty (though notifying you when it’s taken), etc
typically by the time you’re killed once the damage is done if you had something that despawns on respawn

my prayers…

i think m1 combos should move you more midair and have hitstun for the full combo, with a decent endlag and knockback after so you dont get inf comboed by m1s
they would absolutely need a damage nerf for this though

might make them more usable, which would allow for some nice variety