🚨 your thoughts on combat? [data part 5]

continuing from here and clickbait thumbnail

-no survey questions this time (though another coming soon), but want to hear what you like and dislike about pvp or pve in arcane odyssey, trying to gauge different people’s opinions for something i’m working on (one day i’ll stop talking about it and actually finish it)
-scale of your thoughts doesn’t matter too much, just share it (ie this should be changed, that feature is cool, etc)
-be civil :dizzy_face:this is seems to be a touchy topic for some people be respectful and all that

my thoughts on combat are that all that matters until full release is pvp, and that the pve community (especially on the forums) is the worst aspect of this game

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My thoughts are this is a little bit of an attack helicopter rabies simulator. I like the idea of lots of mobility and it is what makes AO unique but I do want more slashing (m1s, heavy attacks, etc. see elden ring) and slightly more grounded combat with a touch of aerial odyssey.

I also think mage should get more… magical moves? It feels a bit like a projectile shitter atp.

why does jump m1s cost stamina?

also can we combine stamina and energy and nerf energy regen gem substat?

this is why i use self explosion and (FIX SURGE BUG)

Ao combat is too goofy
Its literally peeps flying around sharting out explosion.png and frame killing vfx while hoping to get a hit

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Pretty sure it was added to prevent airstalling long before release

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wlel maybe rhatts becuauswi plauy palksb/posion mage beut sirikll

Unirofnickaky I fldkel slaoeer magics tajwke mor eksill than fastser oensn somerimes

I wow ke uop haldf an hour ago

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Well maybe that’s because I play plasma/poison mage (idk)

Unironically I find slower magics take more skill than faster ones sometimes

I woke up half an hour ago

lol I just went through the old polls and I realized:

I don’t have a maxed file cuz I deleted them/planning on deleting them.

Every major update i delete them. Can’t use pulsar if I never own the scroll, y’know.

Anyhow, combat:
Flawed. Better than AA and WoM but that’s because I have more skill (maybe).

rn I’m busy but I’ll be back with my thoughts

Fixed surge would be so peak…

And give wind surge/pulsar it’s knockback back
Like imagine any other magic if it just didn’t do its effect on certain spell, it would suck

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I think its at the best place it has ever been since crystal iron leg was meta, and its only getting better with the removal of agility

Why can I understand this

all that matters in what sense

I think in terms of what’s keeping the game alive? Just an assumption

would love a DASHING rework.

how it works is flawed, it’d be nicer to have short dashes closer to a soulslike’s (iframes and all) and delegate mobility to mobility attacks

also, passive energy gain should be lowered since it kinda promotes spam


There’s some very broken builds which I don’t appreciate cuz I’m an off meta KING :japanese_ogre:, but also people complain about PVP in forums too much.

Make M1s actually a part of the combat, reduce spam by increasing cooldowns for moves with low cooldowns and make magics have more cross-magic interactions/synergies.


addition to this: make it so you can charge bow shots! would add some depth to a niche item.