឵your thoughts on the forum community

  • [1] hostile
  • [2-3] unfriendly
  • [4-5] neither bad nor good
  • [6] somewhat friendly
  • [7-8] welcoming
  • [9-10] very friendly

0 voters

post your additional essays in the comments if you’re unsatisfied with the poll

depends on the group. guilds section can get real heated. sometimes so can trading.

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im going off what the average user does when they first join the forum which is:
quite a lot of people can often be assholes because somebody doesnt know values and insult them or straight up scam them lmao


lost do be scamming with the sunken helm for headless

cant just categorize all of em. there’s people like level and then there’s people like macobre

what are you implying by this

theres good and there’s bad

yeah i guess so
it depends on what category you start on tbh

I personally like level, he just has a temper :man_shrugging:

he got banned though, rip

I wouldn’t say temper he just talks bluntly

oh no really? thats tough



he has a sort of Murphy’s Law vibe, wherein the drama follows him

I mean he did have a tendency to start drama, because as the way the bag guy put it. He talks bluntly, most people dislike that.

speaking of forum drama/trolls

is it just me or does the community overreact to every single negative thing?

like jeez man. one troll out of the millions? what a big deal! it’s not like the staff team does their job in banning them or anything… why so we shit ourselves so much over trolls?

and then we got forum drama. people overreact just like what happens with trolls

because they are trolls

the answer has been provided in the usage of the word in Internet culture

a troll makes people upset for fun

we’ve seen a lot of them, so isn’t it time we stop caring now?