Youuu heard it here first!

This is in response to my music category suggestion, heres what meta responded to:
"“Music Suggestions”, where people would compose and suggest music to be put in the game.”

So yeah uh, you can suggest your own tracks for the game!
(Btw. I recommend uploading the track to roblox prior to suggesting the music, so the music can be put in game. and to make sure roblox accepts it)

I’m hopin’ people do start working on tracks for the game. theres some really good music makers in this forum.
Like @The_Legend_7.0 @Noober and even Meta himself! (Not using @ for staff to make sure I don’t break any rules. I recall it isn’t allowed, but I dunno)

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Gimme them sick beats

I personally can only make some tunes that don’t make peoples ears happy

My music ability mostly amounts to bashing pots together

tbh i cant call myself a music maker yet until i manage to get artist on this forum from making three pieces of music but i do play guitar :nod:

People here playing instruments. Meanwhile I can only play the spoons.

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Oh c’mon! you’re a music maker forum certified or not! (that jam you posted in the music cate suggestion was great btw)

“Soup n’ spoons”. the new spoon music composed by @anon64436269!

I can see it now

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Playing the spoons is simple though. You hit two spoons together. One dangling on a string