Yuletide event survey

I think at this point from reading the responses that have been made, sailing should be more fun. I enjoy sailing, I play a game where the entire point of it is to sail. For me, sailing is fine, I like my boat and I like travelling in it. The problem? There’s only so much I can do on my boat.

I know with one game you have to do all the steps to actually get your boat to move, you put down an anchor and pull it up, you can hoist the sails and tie them down, you can chart maps and there’s a place down below the general visible space of the ship that you can customise and add furniture to or put weapons on display in. It would be fun if npcs could maybe have dialogue in between whether it be little jokes, snippets of random conversations or arguments, or just random comments. With the instrument weapons I hope we can actually play music on them, I know the game on roblox Wild West uses Midi data to allow players to play songs in game as an alternative to the typical computer piano buttons found on roblox and they have this for multiple different instruments. I think it’d be fun if you could play music whilst you sail, maybe some npcs could have a dancing animation or something. Really just more stuff to do on the ship would be nice. I’d also like it if the fish in the tank would actually move but I think that may lag the game too much so it may be for the best they don’t.

Other than that, it seems like theres just people wanting a bit more variety or unique features for the events. That and there’s a lot of glitches it appears or places where the game bugs out. So maybe more stuff for people who may not enjoy sailing as much or battles as much, more puzzles and riddles or a different sort of story or more short cutscenes in between or getting rid of more trivial feeling tasks that players may already have to do often, like collecting sealed chests for example or delivering cargo and try to make tasks have a bit more impact and maybe just more enjoyable or different.

For those of you who dislike sailing, I can’t say I understand completely why but I think fishing can make it feel a bit better, or pretending you’re a pirate charting a path to treasure. On the other hand, go hitchhiking. It’s more fun with friends or strangers. Swap stories with them and stuff. Just find a way to make it more fun or interesting. It’s a game and I’d argue that the point of games is fun, so think of what you enjoy doing in a game and figure out if you can do it on a moving boat. (If you enjoy battles, as much as a disaster as it may possibly be on a moving ship, I do think it may be fun to see how well someone can do one of those when the ground below them isn’t stable.) Another tip I have is looking at alternative methods of travel, sometimes I’ll get bored and either slide my way across the ocean by freezing paths of it at a time using ice magic, just taking it as a walk with magma magic, or even more fun, swimming and creating a path of ice and essentially functioning as a sled dog pulling a sled as my friend races across the ice and narrowly avoids slipping whenever I decide to randomly change directions, or if you’d rather be the person chasing after your friend on a path of ice or magma whilst running across the ocean (which takes considerably longer than sailing of course) then just do that. Enjoy the game and don’t take it too seriously, it’s fun.

Other than that, personally it was a decent event, it took me by surprise because I though AO only ever did Easter and Halloween events but it was a nice surprise. I’d have enjoyed it more I think if my friend was with me the whole time I did it (even if it did take me three times as long to complete it when they finally did join) but otherwise, I’d have liked to received more cookie dough. It would be nice if you could still interact with the village after the whole quest is completed beyond just little things they’d say and thats all. Like maybe you can cook cookies with that lady then deliver them to other people either in the village or around the sea (my friend enjoys cooking in the game, I prefer fishing, as a result he makes the food, I get whats needed to make the food, he enjoys collecting potions and I prefer exploring and climbing so he brews and I get the ingredients, my friend likes battles and I prefer to just relax a bit but we both partake in them and enjoy it, I enjoy sailing and he’s more neutral about it, so we take turns but I enjoy getting to just enjoy the view as we pass by islands. Different preferences is all, but just one example), or maybe someone needs a sparring partner or to settle a dispute (maybe it’ll impact the setting, what colour is better for the lights, green or red or perhaps other colours or all of them? then that becomes the colour of the lights in the town) or they need some fish or they want help making an outfit or maybe you’re helping to build gifts. Maybe even being able to choose who you side with, like do you side with the village or the renegades? Other than that, there’s a mini-library, could be fun to add some tidbits of lore about Yuletide. Maybe the village could have little celebrations of Yuletide someone could participate in, either alone or with other players. Point is, just adding more to do might be nice. I completed the quest pretty easily and quickly after all, so I want more to do. These little afterward side quests don’t even need to have rewards like items, they can just be purely for fun, why not? I think it’d be cool if we actually had the flying reindeer too, could take care of them or actually take them for a ride and fly on them, that could be a bit of fun, or maybe they aren’t flying reindeer but instead there’s a more powerful version of the sky ship you can take for a spin and it has the reindeer figurehead and that was just a myth that people spread. There’s lots of stuff that could be added in to make it more interesting or enjoyable.

Personally my favorite events in AO are the easter ones but it’s in part due to nostalgia of the old easter egg hunt events on roblox that used to happen, so it just reminds me of something in the past that I miss. That and I really like easter eggs because it’s just kind of fun and it’s sort of a play on words, like easter eggs in a video game, little things you find just added in for fun. That and I really like egg puns and that’s the perfect time to make them. Other than that, as a spanish speaker, it would be really fun to just scream “HUEVOS CON ASEITE! HUEVOS CON ASEITE! HUEVOS CON ASEITE, Y LIMON!” which is just misheard lyrics from We’re Not Gonna Take It by Twisted Sister, and honestly, I just think it’s funny and again, I like eggs. For copyright reasons that obviously won’t ever been in game (at least not the music itself) but it’s still funny to me and I think it’s perfect for that event, at least for what music I’ll be listening to if any. My favorite spot in game is Sailor’s Lodge but I think it’s just because I like the music and setting the best out of all of them because at heart I am most definitely still just a little kid who likes pirates too much (second only to dragons of course), the problem with Sailor’s Lodge I’ve run into of course has been the fact that it’s essentially the island most known for getting hunted at, and yeah, that reputation is accurate, so I want to just sit down for a bit, relax, fish and enjoy the music, but no, instead I have someone trying to shoot me in the head with a musket or chasing me around the island with a knife, but it could be worse so I’m not gonna complain that much, and it can make things fun every now and then albeit sometimes annoying. I know in events an annoyance I’ve had is that when you try to complete them some players will try to kill you for really no apparent reason, idk if thats still an issue as I haven’t played in a while but if it is maybe a sort of safety bubble from player attacks for players either on the event island or in an event quest would work in which they cannot attack other players and other players cannot attack them, and to ensure that it won’t be abused, you can’t deselect and reselect that mission unless you are on the event island or alternatively once you deselect the event mission you cannot toggle it again until you are back on the event island. Just some ideas.


whoever voted 1 or 2 are just hating for the sake of hating at this point

at least its only a few people

im not reading allat but i agree anyway

The missing npcs are caused by roblox occlusion culling, just look away from where your npc should be and give it like 30 seconds max for roblox to wake the hell up, when you turn back around it should be there
This method worked for me all the 10 times i needed to use it, albeit sometimes it needed more tries

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no its vetex’s fault!!! bad dev!!! bad game!!!

Quests where you just go somewhere and do next to nothing and then go back are terrible. Especially the Mount Orthys one. Something interesting and hopefully fun needs to happen when at these places you go to in order to make the trip actually worth it. Like the Mount Orthys quest should’ve at least had some renegades trying to ruin Yuletide ambush you when you tried to cut down the tree. Then after you beat them you’d get a little dialogue. As of right that quest is just a massive time waster that doesn’t really have anything to do with the main conflict of the quest line.

The sealed chest grind and then cargo grind was just plain cruel. Like that wasn’t fun at all and needing 25 of each was stupid. If that had to be in the questline than at most it should’ve been like 10 of each. Though it really shouldn’t have been in the event at all.

All that said, the character of the event really saved it for me. I like all the characters, dialogue, aesthetic, the new island, seasonals, story, and the boss. If future events can do stuff like that I’ll likely consider them all good. However, they need have a better focus on that story stuff. Not saying this didn’t have enough story, but rather there are multiple quests that have you doing essentially busy work that has nothing to do with that story. If they can bring more focus to the main conflict in future events as well as remove all the slog quests I think we’ll be set for wholly good time every event going forward.

Overall I think I’d say the event is about a 7/10 maybe a 6.5/10.

Overall it was really fun, I’d give it a 4/5.

My only complaint is the post-event grind to get the extra seasonals, having them be locked behind pseudo-lootboxes was not fun, especially when you got one seasonal but then you keep on getting that same type of present over and over.

Also, I don’t really think it should impact my rating, but the amount of lag was for some reason a lot worse than usual. My potato could usually run AO at 20-30 fps, but this update lowered that average to around 5-10 fps.

its much better than the halloween grind but i prefer the knowledge check of hints from egg hunts
although at least its the easiest event to complete and the seasonals are nice, especially compared to eggs

New survey! Rate the performance and bug fixing of the update!

  • Kill me now
  • This is misery
  • I am not jolly at all
  • Actually, wasn’t half bad. Only kidding, it was
  • I’d sooner fight 4 Calvuses than do this again
0 voters

What a completely unbiased survey!

I enjoyed the event, and I liked the overall stuff about it. Definitely more unique than others. The thing preventing me from giving it 5/5 was the sealed chest quest, and the extra rewards being locked behind rng. That is cringe af. It was great other than that though, and I am excited to see what events will be like in the future!

On the bright side, at least mount orthyus doesn’t make my pc slowly burn itself to death

They made the island a bit bland. They couldve had glowing lights, strings, and decorations all over, the actual guards helping you fight the evil little elf (maximum 3 but they stop helping and fall down hurt when the elf gets to half hp), have cutscenes like war saint flying on his sleigh in the sky towards the isle, and for the battleground to look like a crater. Vetex’s buddies either couldve been more creative, or I just am overflowing with ideas and creativity.

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They wanted to do cutscenes, but really just couldn’t in a reasonable timeframe. I can agree with the guards helping you cause otherwise what was the point of getting all their weapons, but I dunno if I’d say the island was bland. I really like the dock and I think the town looks pretty nice especially the interiors and once you get all the decorations for the town from the quests. Though I guess that’s wholly a matter of opinion though.

i really liked the interior of the houses too, it felt like a perfectly jolly little whoville
the bakery and mayors house especially felt cosy

it would have been cool for the actual workshop parts of the island to be more fleshed out though

The dock couldve had a ship next to it, there also couldve been glwoing christmas lights spread across strings attached to the houses, the tree having a bit more flare, and having gifts spread out across the village.

If you are reading this
I am currently in pure agony for trying to get Yuletide Savior Crown For more than 5 hours by now from Frozen Giftbox and i still haven’t got it and i got like 4 santa hat

why can we get 4 santa hats but 1 of the halloween shop items? so sad ):

Ahem pls change survey options :pray: I extremely enjoy this update:

It’s ez (i do have a 121 speed brig so that might be a lil biased :fr: )
Enjoyable and fun
Good rewards (they look sick)
Gives me a reason to play ao again after 2 months :skull:

Vetex cooked :fire: