Yuritide - Day 6/12 - General Caitlin x Lady Flora

i wanted to spend more time on this but alas
daily posts are insufferable…
ty jtn!! i was lowkey running low on ideas
um anyways i hope they actually are in a relationship i lowkey just saw
“omg girls holding hands im gonna draw them for yuritide”


im pretty sure jtn confirmed that they’re liberians

Yea vetex you really messed up with the yuletide name.

AO Forums only get their daily yuri fix for 6 more days…


itll be weekly after yuritide and the posts will have more detail :pray:


Man Praying Black Man Praying GIF - Man praying Black man praying Black man praying and crying - Discover & Share GIFs

i used to pray for things like this…

yay!!! yuricane odyssey…

the arcane yurissey is real