Zipher's Fighting Ships

That looks terrible tbh

I’m going to ultrakill you

also that’s the best photo I could find to show off the sheer scale, but its at kind of a bad angle

No idea what ultrakill is

go play it then

also here’s some photos to show off the actual design
1000-THR "Earthmover" | ULTRAKILL Wiki ...
1000-THR "Earthmover" | ULTRAKILL Wiki ...

Pal it looks like a disabled giraffe with tons of prosthetic stuff

horrid take,
go play ultrakill

Got better stuff to do, also stop littering ziphers ship building thread

Def someone already replicated this in ftd, there is even a warhammer titan in the workshop

Only issue is that in the official land campaign, there is a hard cap of 2500 volume. So most of them are unusable other than in the quest for neter campaign which has none.

Though once I get to land vehicles, I might cook up a big ass tank or smth. But flying ships give me much more freedom so that is in the backburner for now

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Oh yeah forgot to say this

I will reformat the ship descriptions to look more presentable by literally using Tobi’s post style, starting after I finish the battleship