Zipher's Fighting Ships

That looks terrible tbh

I’m going to ultrakill you

also that’s the best photo I could find to show off the sheer scale, but its at kind of a bad angle

No idea what ultrakill is

go play it then

also here’s some photos to show off the actual design
1000-THR "Earthmover" | ULTRAKILL Wiki ...
1000-THR "Earthmover" | ULTRAKILL Wiki ...

Pal it looks like a disabled giraffe with tons of prosthetic stuff

horrid take,
go play ultrakill

Got better stuff to do, also stop littering ziphers ship building thread

Def someone already replicated this in ftd, there is even a warhammer titan in the workshop

Only issue is that in the official land campaign, there is a hard cap of 2500 volume. So most of them are unusable other than in the quest for neter campaign which has none.

Though once I get to land vehicles, I might cook up a big ass tank or smth. But flying ships give me much more freedom so that is in the backburner for now

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Oh yeah forgot to say this

I will reformat the ship descriptions to look more presentable by literally using Tobi’s post style, starting after I finish the battleship

Kind of proud of how the smokestack grates turned out

Seaplane catapults (prototype, will add more detail, crane will be made next time)

as of right now I am basically swamped with assignments, so progress was slowed down

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Dark Sea Worthy


It is almost aesthetically complete

Cutting the radio silence here

As of right now I am in the tweaking phase of building this ship and me getting swamped by assignments means getting this ship ready will take me a long time. This ship was supposed to be ready before the Empires update but issues like stability and defense inadequacies made it miss that deadline.

I want to say that after this I will retrofit the Lugh and Sidhe before building any new ships, as they suffer the same problems. So yeah

Anything comparable to bismarck is a good ship so dont worry about how long it takes

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Decorations are now being added. Also tweaked the 127 mm cannons and made them taller

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Dimensions, Cost, and Speed

Top Speed: 30 m/s
Length: 396 Meters
Witdh: 53 Meters
Height: 97 Meters
Cost: 2,763,334


Main Armament:
4x double-barreled 500 mm turrets

Secondary Armament:
6x triple-barreled 152 mm turrets
8x double-barreled 127 mm turrets

Defensive Armament:
6x double-barreled rapid-fire 40mm turrets
6x quad-barreled 40mm mounts
2x double barreled 40mm mounts
6x rocket mounts
Anti-torpedo array


The Balor-class battleship has quite a reputation. At the start of its development, Zypher Naval Works was audited and the Council found out they have been pooling valuable resources to an unfinished test bed monitor. The company was fined heavily and the monitor was to be scrapped. Naval Command however had other plans with the monitor and saved it from the breaking yards to see what they were secretly testing.

The 500 mm gun, though experimental, showed great promise. The gun is capable of shattering the thickest armor and fires fast for its caliber. It was decided that this is the gun that shall arm the Balor. The company that won the bid to design the Balor, Fallenfire Industries, was tasked to replace the 457mm guns with the ones from Zypher Naval Works — leading to delays as the gun was too big and the entire ship was redesigned from the ground up to accommodate it and its numerous secondary guns. Building such a massive ship required a huge drydock, which luckily MacSionnach Maritime was building for purposes of efficient destroyer production and repairs prior to its designing phase, though it needed to be extended to accommodate the size.

Once it was finished, it was so massive that it almost filled up ports. In battle, its broadsides are devastating, and its armor can withstand the toughest blows. Its impressive armament and size has gained the epithet “The Behemoth”.

Manufactured by Fallenfire Industries


3 months of development, hopefully it was worth the wait.

A lot of things have been learned from making this ship, especially cost cutting measures that will be applied to existing and future ships. Overall, I am proud to make this ship, and is considered as the pride of the Commonwealth navy.

Well that is done, there are more ships to be made, but for now the current objective is to revamp the two ships that was made before the Balor. There will also be a more standardized descriptions, which I did for the Balor (have to learn it from Tobi’s post lol). Once I’ve done revamping Lugh and Sidhe, I will be making smaller ships like cruisers and destroyers. For now I have drafted at least 14 more ships, maybe more once I get more ideas.

So yeah, back to making a fleet to conquer Neter

this is really cool
I’ve not seen this game before but it looks great

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Some random of pics of Balor