30 Day Art Journey of Mine

So since at the start of the summer i had nothing better to do, and wanted to develop my Digital Art Skills more. I decided to randomly follow his video about a 30 Day Drawing Challenge.

This officially today was 30 days ago. And since i haven’t really posted much on the forums topic wise, so i might well as share what i’ve been doing behind the scenes.

Since Discord has a max of 10 images per post i’ll be following the format i had to do for it and it fits nicely anyways.

Warning large long list of images and potential flashbangs if u aren’t a Discord Lightmode user like me.

Week 1

Days 1-3

Days 4-5

Days 6-7

Week 2

Days 8-9 (This one has eyes.)

Days 10-12

Days 13-14

Week 3

Days 15-20

Lastly day 21

Week 4

Days 22-28

Week 5

Day 29 and 30

Overall it wasn’t a bad 30 days other than maybe my hand hurting a tad every now and then. Glad the progress speaks for itself from Day 1 to Day 30 so i’d say me doing this was a success on what i sought out in the beginning.



Wow this is really cool, I actually tried a similar thing a few weeks ago but gave up on day 2

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Pretty noticeable improvements, specially with the perspectives at the end.
Good on you for sticking through with it for all 30 days! :D.

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