The Eternal Garden: Messages from the Forums

I stabbed a man on the streets of Ravenna once.

Here’s my opportunity to go into detail about how I got into this community, cause oh boy…

So, I’m actually an AA beta player! Yeah, I was uh, 10 at the time. I was new to Roblox, and AA was the game I was soooo obsessed on and just got robux via roblox card to play on it. I was enchanted by the idea of magical worlds and magic systems. I remember being so happy when Roblox released a review on it, and when DanTDM made a video on the game. (Sadly, he never made a continuation…)

So… what made me quit? Back in beta, there was actually no way to respawn your boat back then, so for the unfortunate children that played the game back then, you will lose your boat forever if someone stole it. It made me angry. Not at the game iirc, more at the players, they were jerks. But hey, most of them were most likely kids too. And kids can be jerks.

Not only that, it was a very big game, and being new to games, I didnt play that long cause it was very unfinished and it was so big that idk what to do. I didnt hate the game, young me just realised it wasnt for me.

Now, here’s the funny bit.

I played Roblox on and off during the years. And one day, bored out of my mind and trying to find a fun game to play, I actually played Adventure Story when it was popular. And I had ABSOLUTE, NO IDEA that was made by the same guy who made AA. I kid you not, I only learned that it was Vetex IN 2020. Literally when I joined Vetcord did I learn it was made by Vetex!

I didnt play it long sadly, I was amazed by it, not so much the turn based, and since I was on and off Roblox, I didnt stay long. Like AA.

And yes, this was how I also found WoM when it came out of beta, NOT KNOWING IT WAS MADE BY VETEX. It actually took me a while to remember AA, went “Oh wait”, looked at the developer name, finding it familiar and went “holy shit”, LMAOO.

And again, I joined Vetcord because of WoM (it was my first Discord server actually, tho it was wayyyy cursed back then, dont ask). And it was only there I found out Vetex made Adventure Story LOOOL. I didnt even know AA got shut down, the last time I saw it was on 2018 when it had many players, RIP. Just mere moments before distaster.

The only reason I even learned WoM was by Vetex was because I actually played WoM for longer! Had I only played briefly like AA and AS, I wouldve been oblivious! Forever!

If I had given up on WoM early like I did on AA and AS, I am 100% certain I wouldve run into Arcane Odyssey by pure mistake not realizing it was by Vetex, I am so 100% sure it would’ve happened again, its the funniest thing ever. It is literally written in the stars, for me to just encounter Vetex’s games. It’s just DESTINY at this point lol.

And now here I am, reliving the glory I missed out on all those 9 almost years ago (wtf), finding myself falling in love in the magical world like in the past.

With all those chance encounters, I really feel like its just destiny. I do hope that I do get that chance to stick here till the end, and be there if Vetex starts writing that book series. Because god knows why I keep running to Vetex’s games at this point, the Universe just keeps making me run into them.

If I eventually move on and forget, who wanna bet that I read Vetex’s AO books by sheer coincidence? I mean, Im always looking for good books, and never get satisfied. :joy:

I hope yall remember me if any of my wack AO theories and speculations come true in the following years of AO’s story even when Im not around. I will be happy if they do happen and more happier if you remember me for them :slight_smile:

Oh, and for the essays too. Thank you for reading all that! (And if you didnt, well… RIP)

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(complete sentence)

there are 2 types of people…

How did I guess that you’d be summoned by that sentence.

Wouldn’t mind making another forums game .3.

We might be able to do some thinking :nod:

As long as i play ao ill be on the forums altough that wont be for very long sadly

i’ll be lurking 'till the end of time :billed_cap:

I may be new to all of this, but the AO community will forever hold a special place in my heart. After being in numerous huge fandoms, never before have I felt like my ideas and art are more appreciated than they do here. The small, tight knit community we have makes me feel like everyone has a chance in the spotlight, and that no name is left forgotten.

Recently I’ve been able to accomplish on of my biggest dreams: creating a piece of media for others to be inspired by. And although its not completely my own and its on a much smaller scale than I have anticipated, it’s only been, what, 5 days? And by notifs have been blowing up faster than durza nuking the world

Overall, I’m here to stay, and can’t wait for you all to see what we make next.


Hmm, guess i’ll go in an order then.

Here comes the wall!

I definitely don’t plan on leaving this section of the internet for the foreseeable future. Would have to be quite the external factors to prevent me from popping in and doing my ‘routine’ you could say.

“About Me” Section.

First thing’s first, guess i never really did do an introduction topic what-so-ever. .

Describing oneself is a pretty difficult thing for me to do. haha
Might do a proper one down the line. . ? Who knows.

Would probably think that someone who’s ranked 3rd in the most Posts viewed, and Rank 5th in topics viewed. Would’ve done something like that at some point. .

For now since this isn’t a huge standalone introduce-yourself topic I’ll just list the stuff i do.

Writing -

Whether it was a bit obvious or not, given how i write, speak, text, etc.

I’ve been writing for about 6 years now. Granted there aren’t any solid books in the conventional sense. And I’ve basically been in a mix of World Building and Story Telling.

But i don’t think it comes as a surprise that Life this past few years has thrown quite a lot of stuff at us. I’m also in limbo of heading into the College scene, so that paired with other neat fun fixations.

And things slow down a bit. haha

Did get back into a bit as of late though, basically went on a purge reformation process of ideas and characters. Lets just say the 85 out of 167+ Characters aren’t dead.

And that they’re being reworked into their true selves. The other 82 that didn’t get the reformation block are still going to undergo the same thing. But in a more soft approach.


More writing Shenanigans to come hopefully, assuming typing this out doesn’t take out all the steam in me for awhile. .

Drawing -

Believe it or not I draw - not as often much like writing - and do other things on top of it.

I never really post stuff i draw on the Forums all that much and more-so in my Clan’s Discord if i ever do so.

The only few places i’ve actively done so, so far is the:

I guess I can do an art dump down the line too ig. But i’d have to figure out on how to get my Drawing Tablet to function given that i have a Ultra Wide Monitor now. .

Gaming -

Not much to say on this front other than it being rather self-evident.

The only thing i guess i can point out is that i have this as a tracked statistic for AO:

"1,752.9 Hours total, 22 out of 30 files maxed.

As of 11/6/23 1:39 pm."

To which i’d say is a good time to get a update on that at some point.

Oh and that i have 1310.2+ Hours on Terraria.

Technically i have 1800+ given that i played on my Dad’s Account years back and had ~530 or ~550 hours on it. My younger Brother uses it now ftmp so it’s thoroughly hidden and i can’t check easily on the fly.

I could go into more depth on game Genres i’ve played, but i’m already dragging this Section long enough. Warrants it’s own Topic to discuss and show like many things.


My gaming history goes decently far back so if you’re curious for more, there’s this topic here.

Other Multimedia Artistry Shenanigans -

So we have Writing and then Drawing, what else do i do?

Graphic Design every now and then and use some of it for Thumbnails. We’ll see if it comes to other things. Took it as a class during my Senior Year and it’s proved to be helpful.

Adobe is renowned after all and it helped familiarize Blender, Unity, and other Digital Media programs faster and easier.

At least i like to think it does.

3D Art is something i dabble into as well, which is kind’ve a given when doing VRChat stuff. So yeah i’ve only meekly - and semi-poorly- done some modeling and rigging stuff in Blender. Unity also obviously comes into the equation as well.

Gotta start somewhere so the innate “Artist Perfectionism to how things are envisioned” doesn’t really kick in. And if it is/does then it’s very minor but some frustration may arise.

Video Production is something I do, given my YT Channel and the 4 Atk Spd Videos I’ve done. And other clip tomfoolery that’s unlisted.

Editing has gotten better though it can be a slog to get through when trying different approaches/formats. To how you do/did things with other Videos.

Music has gone in the foreground and something I plan to get into to help out my other media shenanigans. I’ve looked at other programs but it’s slightly intimidating, paired with me wanting to get back into Writing and other Fixations.

So it remains on the planned Media route for now. Going to be interesting to get into that’s for sure.

I played the Cello for 3 years during my 5th, 6th, and 7th Grade years. So who knows, that old experience might somehow come back and make things semi easy to understand.

I’d say that’s a good place to stop as it’s already getting really long and I got to get into the 2nd/3rd stuff to answer.

Don’t specifically want to find the Character limit with this one! haha

What am i proud of and or not proud of?


Questions like this automatically get me into gear on moving from being rather modest. And maintaining the difference between proud vs prideful of what you’ve done/accomplished.

This aside, the 4 Atk Spd Videos as mentioned prior in terms of being proud of what I’ve done in this corner of the community/internet.

Especially the first one! Holy crap was it really well received when you looked at my channel prior to it.

I like how someone pointed this out too.

Thanks Bobnugget I too like how anti-climatic it is. lol

In general though, I’d say making it this far in life and vibing still is good enough for me.

There’s a lot of things to list, the struggles, the experiences and adventures.

Simply being alive and kicking exploring this very Grey world of ours, for all it’s faults, problems, good times, and beauty. Is more than enough to be proud about for me.

The typical feeling you have when exploring and archiving worlds and all that.

Sure there can be a but load of copy and paste one can say depending on your perspectives and experiences. But there’s still a story to be had with worlds.

Why do I use the Forums?

And here we are on the last section ig.

It’s probably obvious given who i am, my name, my persona - not the game, my character - and more things i could potentially list.

It’s a place that is more grounded and structured when it comes to interacting in a community. I can easily observe past and present interactions, learn information and sentiments, and engage in the present if i wish to.

It’s a lot more easier to see the community here than on the Discord, and everything’s practically guranteed to be archived for me!

What more could a Reality Archivist could ask from such a place?

Simply put, it’s a neat place to be and i like vibing and checking in on things. The only way i’m going to disappear or leave is by something very large.

And i have high doubts anything like that will remotely happen, say for external factors. Life has no qualms about throwing a ball and putting you into a loop with things that take your focus.

But for now, this random mute girl that uses TTS to speak on the internet, is going to continue vibing and semi-lurking around and about.

And that’s that. Another one of the few many marks upon this place with likely more to come.

Tis all for now~


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Another 3-4 Hours and a late last night initial draft well spent~

I’m Randomness. Over two years ago now, a couple months after I had stumbled onto the forums and thought “That’s cool” I decided to make an account. At first, I came here for the art (It was once a different place, I promise)
Watching people able to create such images with colours and lines, forming something from nothing - it was inspiring. Not to say I can make art, and not to say I ever will. But at least there’s something from there left in the words that I write.
And so I lurked, spoke sometimes, then more. Eventually reaching the point where December 2022, I began writing a topic - a full recap of major events in Arcane Odyssey’s development that year.
The topic was a success, to say the least. By statistics, it’s not my most popular one, but I’m happy people found it to at least possibly be useful.
Then came along my first major attempt at writing: A Decently Arcane Anecdote. Which, I literally forgot about until right now. Only 3 chapters were ever released, but it was supposed to be a comedic tale, going through characters and characters until somebody finally worked out that all the previous characters were being turned into a soul amalgamation somewhere, only defeating it through friendship. I actually quite enjoyed writing it, although I doubt I’ll ever pick it up again.
Then along came what I consider to be my favourite topic (Or series of topics) of all time, just because of it’s sheer absurdity. Although only intended to be a funny “Forum chooses this, forum chooses that.” Topic, eventually we ended up with lore, meaning I’ve had to go back multiple times to update what happened. In short, a man saved a guy to stop him from making cubes to destroy the world, but then he made the cubes anyway. A guy who liked salt took a cube, edited it, (More on that later) and then made another one, giving it to a friend before promptly not being a friend to them. Then they got killed by the developer (I mean normal magic guy) (More on that later). The friend then got melted by a volcano who then fought a fireball, but then (as they were defeated) (The friend) came back because [reason] and then got magic absorption power cube and absorbed everyone and became the physical manifestation of the forums (For the first time). Then angry cube man was not happy so turned fireball into angry fireball, and then they went to do an apocalypse. Turns out man who saved cube man planned this (Sorta) to stop cube man from making cubes (alright we get it)
Both man who saved cube man, his horse and cube man hopped into another universe and then uhh… argued a bit and left each other alone.
Cube man then made cubes and handed them out. One guy who can’t spell who somehow ate a piece of (friend from earlier) and got a similar to cube power but not quite, and a bunch of other people got cube powers. Suspicious competition with big prize? I’m in.
(It’s later now) and also salt man is now an error on line 42, took over their alter ego and joined competition. Big surprise it’s a plot for something (we aren’t quite sure) and some people die due to magic cubes fighting eachother. Later on down the line error on line 26 disappears after fighting in a cave with the natural alter ego of fireball from earlier. Etc etc etc, intern with gun later and its the final fight. Cube man had actually kidnapped narrator and gave him cube similar to friends original thing but then fighting and it’s defeated(?)
And then error on line 155 appears and stands menacingly for ages???
Then final battle? And then they all team up before being turned into error goop, and then the guy who ate the magic piece of willpower just made an axe… and the axe is the forums (again)
then both cube man and man saving cube man die… and then suddenly the cubes disappear? and now they’re at school?

Yeah alright. That’s more than enough. Along with that (Which trust me does actually have a coherent story its just hard to understand.) I’ve made a few other universes, including the one with Akos Frost, the one with Akos Frost (But now he can stop time) and the one which I have mentioned on the forums very little, but it does exist promise. I’ve also made a compilation of some forum events, another recap of development for 2023, and other funny things.

Not to say I’ve always been happy with my own actions, although I’ve already apologised and moved on from it all, I’m sorry to Rb1 for that one time last summer and I’m sorry to Techlevel for something that I’ve been assured wasn’t too big of a deal - but I’m still sorry. I’m also sorry for everyone else I have wronged over these years. Mistakes happen to all of us, and I’ve learnt from my fair share.

Thank you for everyone I’ve met on the forums, everyone in the staff team, and most importantly Vetex, Tech, Headless and all the modelers, builders and composers who’ve made the game - From now, to the end of this whole, single, crazy adventure. I’ll stay here for a few more years, possibly two, possibly until AO’s development ends and beyond.

And such ends the Shattered Scriptures of Randomness, including a summary of the stupidest story I have ever been apart of.

I’m just happy to be here. Happy to see the game’s development unfold, interested in seeing what will happen next…

No matter how flawed it is in it’s current state, AO is still much better than the vast majority of all games on this god-forbidden website. Instead of blending in with the crowd in order to make the worst, most manipulative, gamepass-filled slop imaginable, Vetex has always strived to simply make good games.

Vetex is building a golden statue in the middle of a sea of garbage, and that is incredible.

Although, I believe that, in the future, Roblox might face serious ethical trouble. Maybe I’m assuming there will be justice in an almost-dystopian world where exploitation has been normalized, but it could happen. This hypothetical scenario may very well bring the entire site down if it were to happen-good games included. But for now, all we can do is wait to see what the future has in store.

I was here too, I guess.

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One day, one week, one month, or one year, there is a potential that I will leave the forums like a ghost, like what I did to many communities before. Whether it is because I am busy, unable to access the forums, grew out of it, or I perished, I will say this:

I have placed my foot here. Whether it is big or small, I have firmly placed my mark as soon I have made my first post. Even if I left, a small legacy of posts is better than not having one.

But like the many communities I have joined, I won’t be the same after. But not in a worse way (technically?). I won’t deny that I have not felt an impact, big or small. from you guys. Its things like these that makes my stay worth it.

Anyways, enough flexing my PhD in Yappology - Major in Waffling degreee

A few days ago, 7grandnec anoned from the forums.
They are now @anon44124357.

Their youtube videos are now no longer available to watch.

When I first joined the forums. 7 was one of the only people I recognised from what they had posted on youtube. I’d go as far as saying they’re one of the people who made me stay here. They were a great member of the community.

Thank you, and I wish you good luck in whatever you’re doing with your life now.


game is kind of boring now, but i’ve met cool people here and now i actually have friends

also play the upturned

Not a bad amount of hours…

(This is from a year ago, hours sit at around 11k now lol)