A 1v1 Mode

A 1v1 Mode
effort 2.0 2 quality 3.5 2 reasonability 4.0 3

IIRC this may have been said before i got no clue. Anyways

There should be a 1v1 mode that you could teleport to a seperate server with you and your opponent. basically chime of conflict. Why? while there won’t be a pvp focused update lots of people feel like this would be good being able to log in and fight other players out the gate. likelyhood is just reusing elysium or munera to save on building

TLDR it would be nice to log in right into a fight (possibly skill based matches)


but then i cant gank peopel anymore :frowning:


just gank the pve players

We already have this. It’s called Nimbus Sea servers at 10:30PM EST

(why the f do all the sweats log on at night)

It’s a bit more fun to jump mildly experienced players, there’s no fun in just instantly annihilating a person.

Dueling is already planned

adolf hitler please strike this guy’s house with an asteroid

Yeah, and your rank will be based on how much you win and lose, which determines and searches for a equal opponent.

How about we not add SBM. It ruins almost anything it touches, and I don’t expect a Roblox Dev to implement it correctly.

Here’s the source btw

From the adjustments Trello card that I can’t send due to being on mobile

Pls don’t gank me

why not?

If you look at any shooter game with skill-based matchmaking implemented you’ll see why. Most of the time it’s poorly added as a way to balance which ends up working against it in that you’re either put up against someone you completely overpower or vice versa, the concept of SBM itself ends up turning things into a competitive mode unnecessarily which ruins it for casual PvPers. It ruins everything it touches and I don’t think Vetex (Who says that he hates balancing) is going to even bother balancing with something like that. Hence is only going to be dominated by the top PvPers.

It’s better for it to be against randoms so that the only factor is skill and not implementing terrible matchmaking to appease to comp players who already have elysium (Vetex PvP rant makes me think that he doesn’t want to appeal to that side anyways) and pissing everyone else off in the process. This is what makes Skill Based Matchmaking dreadful in any other game.

I really dont know either why something like this is not in the game at the moment especially with Vetex knowing PvP increases AO numbers and how massively inconvenient the current PvP model is.

To those mentioning that dueling thing in Vetex Trello there is a day and night difference on having an actual brawling minigame with an actual matchmaking queue and maybe the possibility of fighting in diverse arenas than going across the map searching randoms and hoping they fight you let alone they are close to your skill level and gear.

the entire point of skill based matchmaking is so this is avoided :skull:

I know, it might work on paper but it doesn’t work in practice.

id argue it does work sometimes. if everyone starts at lets say 100, and your a more casual pvper, you will most likely lose your first couple matches like you said being underpowered, but then eventually you will reach point where the other players that are underpowered are now equal to you causing you to stay in that range. as long as it doesn’t reset like ABA it should be fine. or just have different zones so if you are a beginner you just press a beginner 1v1 button and vice versa for intermediate and pro (hopefully there are no smurfs and people are genuine in their match making)

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But then you run into the problem where people are afraid to lose because they’d stop fighting opponents of their level if they keep losing which will increase Meta use and nobody wants to play it anymore because of the environment it creates. Then if they lose the system puts them against weaker players, the weaker players will feel annoyed because they got stomped and the stronger player has to work their way up again, stomping bad players again, lose, and repeat. Then if you win you just get stomped by someone else

And that’s if it works correctly.

If it’s completely random then you won’t have all those issues. You just get put into a game, you fight, then you fight another random player, then the only variables is just based on skill and not a poorly designed system. To be completely honest that needs to be reserved for some ranked mode (Although SBM is the reason why people like to play the casual mode more which should tell you why it’s bad).

I fail to follow all of your train of thought but I will say ranked systems just work otherwise they would not be used pretty much in every competitive game and sports.

I hated chess my whole life but then I tried it on chess.com and with elo match making it turned out to be fun so long my opponent sucks as much as I do. I even bothered getting better at it.
Its a completely different experience as playing chess with someone else who is just completely better and getting completely stomped and wanting no more of that.

I don’t know what experiences you had in the past but in my experience the only ones who are punished by a good matchmaking are the top players being forced to play against each other.

You’d be surprised how incompetent game developers are, especially when it comes to esports. Also most esports don’t use ingame rank matches they just hold tournaments at some place. People just implement poorly ranked systems because they’re lazy, it also doesn’t help that it doesn’t reflect accurately on how competitive actually is.

Except the system can differentiate between top players that are actually good and “Top Players” who just won a few times in the low tiers and then get placed into games where they can’t do anything because they just aren’t good enough.

It’s worse here because it’s putting this 1v1 suggestion into a competitive environment when realistically it should be building a bridge between PvE and PvP Players, reduce random killing, and allow a place to for people to foster skill in a no risk environment.

And adding a SBM system is going to ruin all of that.