A practical Sea Monster suggestion: Jellyfish

A practical Sea Monster suggestion: Jellyfish https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/b/e/be0e4ecb94f4f0107bb1245dc5156fa80baf170d.jpeg
effort 4.4 5 quality 3.5 4 reasonability 3.5 4

I see a couple people suggest sea monsters but then they go into detail on some crazy unique creatures. Don’t get my wrong I think there is room for those sometimes, but most animals in Arcane Odyssey are magically mutated variation of real life animals.

Vetex is already planning to add hostile jellyfish to diving spots, so I think this is perfect time to reuse some model assets and ai code, ignore the pictures they are mostly to show the real life comparison I know they won’t have a different model in game. Here are my Jellyfish Sea monsters:

The Siren, Aberrant Class

Inspired by the real life Moon Jellyfish, The Siren is an Earth Magic mutation. It releases a constant low hum that warns players when it is near. It’s sting deals very little damage, but causes a debuff that rapidly drains stamina. This creature on its own would struggle to kill even a new player with damage- it is drowning after a sting that makes it truly terrifying.

Razorwire, Behemoth Class

Based on the Black Sea Nettle, the Razorwire is a Glass and Metal mutation. Sailors fear it due to it’s tendrils. Magic has mutated this jellyfish, taking away their usual poison sting.It’s tendrils became long, jagged strips of metal, covered in glass shards that break off into the skin and cause horrendous bleeding. Ranked #1 on ‘sea monsters I would least like to die to’.

Like its contemporaries, this sea monster does nowhere near as much damage as sharks, it is the heavy and long lasting bleeding after the fact that is cause for concern. This jellyfish also does constant damage to any ship passing near it which can, in certain scenarios, make it just as deadly to a vessel as white eyes.

(Side note, if there were more classes then behemoth and abberant I would downgrade its size to somewhere in between)

Shockwhip, Abberant Class

Based on Box Jellyfish, said to have the most painful stings in the world, this is a ‘lightning variant’. Though Jellyfish are famous for their poison I wanted to avoid just ‘making a poison one’. Shockwhip deals lightning damage, causing paralysis for 1-2 seconds after striking a player. They glow in the dark in the deep ocean and are relatively fast little buggers.


Not sure we’ll be getting jellyfish sea monsters but we do have jellyfish spawning in diving spots so

Mentioned that at the top, and why I made the suggestion in the first place. It’s probably way easier on vetex to just reuse jellyfish models/animations with slight color/size variation then it is to make a whole new creature.

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overall a great suggestion, only issue is the first sea monster which would just be annoying (being forced to wait and drown while youre completely helpless because of low stamina sounds annoying)

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i like this idea

I feel called out but regardless of that this has my vote. Always up for some sea monsters, jelly sea monsters make for an interesting choice (maybe the behemoth class one can drop some kind of whip if Vetex decides to add it and new weapon types).

This is why I reccomended this creature to emit a low hum, based it around sirens and all that. The noise cue is what warns you that it’s nearby so you can preemptively kill it ahead of time. I hope the idea that you can much more easily tell when it’s coming makes the idea more pallatable to people.

I thought its was added as an animal in diving points…

oh yes more sea monsters, and hopefully more drops
fishing sharks and monster sharks, so why not jellyfish

This sounds really cool (and reasonable) so you have my vote :+1:

Altough that suggestion is interesting (please not the first one), im pretty sure vetex isnt planning on adding any new sea monster anytime soon because of the currently planned ones.
good suggestion tho

Where is the magic polluted variant though. I wanna go inside the jellyfish bulb on a jellyfish the size of white eyes for a boss fight.

This is where you would be incorrect. Not only are Jellyfish being added in diving spots, the Dark Sea is the next update after potions, and it will introduce new sea monsters. So not only am I suggesting sea monsters for an upcoming update that plans to add them- I’m suggesting sea monsters that are going to reuse a model and ai code Vetex already plans to use. Something practical that wouldn’t take too much time other then enlarging the model and maybe recoloring it.

  • Added a new hint and game stat regarding Diving Points. (They are now considered finished, but additional small things will be added to these such as hostile jellyfish, potion reagent spawns, and more variance in the structures before the update is released)

Maybe lightning for a man-of-war style jellyfish, which is only visible when the lightning strikes along it’s tentacles (otherwise it’s grey and hard to see)

that sounds sick, imagine swimming a bit far away from your ship to get some lost cargo and, suddenly, lightning strikes and you see a load of bright blue, electrically charged jellyfish surrounding you

add king jellyfish :+1:

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This suggestion aged well lol