A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers

A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers
effort 4.371428571428571 35 quality 4.473684210526316 38 reasonability 4.347826086956522 46

Me watching as I get my 500th blasted dull power amulet (I’m gonna take the lightning black man’s advice)

I’m not dodging the question, you’re cherry picking the question to eliminate the main difference between modifiers.

It’s like telling someone “what’s the difference between two rocks that are identical except for their color” and then when the answer is “the color is different” you ask them to point out a difference that isn’t the color. You’re asking a question where you’ve deliberately made sure there’s no answer

I’m pretty sure that this suggestion makes modifiers feel too similar to enchantments BECAUSE it reduces the amount of grinding needed to get a modifier you desired.
After all, the only difference between enchantments and modifiers is the grinding requirement (and the obtaining method I guess?).

Modifiers should ideally be reworked so that they’re more unique and not just a clone of the enchantments system in terms of gameplay effect, except with more grinding.

This is not the same as arguing that lower-level players are at a disadvantage compared to higher-level players. Because there is no similar equivalent to the level system.

I think he’s asking what’s the difference between enchantments and modifiers gameplay effect-wise.

Looks like someone learned what a logical fallacy is and now has to talk about it in every argument he gets the chance to.

I’m not choosing what’s most beneficial to my argument, I’m pointing out flaws in yours. There is a difference

You’re asking me to answer a question that has no answer

buddy, they’re just enchants with RNG… what’s all this yap about :skull:

You are complaining this suggestion would make modifiers too similar to enchants, I am pointing out they already are. You refusing to answer my question just shows you know I’m right.

yeah exactly, the difference gameplay effect-wise is the obtainment method, when I point that out he tries eliminating that difference from the conversation by asking me for another difference

I’m using my incredible ragebait powers to prolong this suggestions lifespan indefinitely :speaking_head:

I think you’re confused with the question about the gameplay effect. The obtainment methods are not a gameplay effect, it’s just a means to an end.

I’m pretty sure he meant there is no difference because both enchantments and modifiers increase stat directly without any downside.

I am aware of this, but the thing is, the obtainment method is crap. To be honest just making them enchantments 2.0 would improve the qol of most players, and this suggestion still differentiates the obtainment method (dark sea vs charts), it just removes the rng

  1. Sure, I’ll agree with you that modifiers are too similar to enchants. OP is asking for that one similarity to be removed which I disagree with for obvious reasons

  2. There’s no answer to the question because your question eliminates the one possible answer


also this pilles guy has written way too much I don’t think I can help argue against blud :skull:

So are you telling me that the answer of “No difference because both increase stat without any downside” isn’t possible?

Logically no, because as seen above that isn’t an answer to the question because the question explicitly asks for a difference, without pointing out a difference the question remains unanswered. However, the question itself can be proven faulty/without answers (which is what I did).

If the question had been “can you point out a difference, etc…” then your answer would’ve made sense

That just makes them more boring, the same result but better (since the last dissimilarity between enchants/modifiers isn’t removed) is achieved by buffing the drop rates as long as we’re sticking with OP’s main complaint (modifiers are too grindy)

So basically there are no answer, because the question asks for the name of a difference that has to exist.
But the problem is that there are no differences, and the answer of “no difference” isn’t correct because the question asks for the difference that exists, not if a difference exists.

Am I getting this right?

Ok, but saying “this question is faulty!” And then refusing to understand the spirit of the question is dumb.

Also, you have to understand. The obtainment method is NOT FINE. This is shown by the IMMENSE support this suggestion gets by most of the voters here, because they don’t like the constant grind for marginal stat increases just so they can PvP.

The fact is, the current system is stupid. You may disagree, but almost everyone else doesn’t. So shut your yap and let the player base of this game with a life enjoy it.

yeah it was just a dumb question intended to throw the point argument off course cause I was right, I explained the concept to chatgpt and it’s apparently called the no true scotsman fallacy

So if the question is reworded to “Can you tell what’s the effect difference between blasted armor and powerful armor, and name that difference?”

Will this question not be considered as “no true scotsman”?