A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers

A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers
effort 4.371428571428571 35 quality 4.473684210526316 38 reasonability 4.347826086956522 46

can we just delete modifiers atp dawg

Ah sorry I forgot.

Disregard this dudes opinion guys, balanceteam member detected.


Fartman with another goated take

Yeah I know what “No true Scotsman” is, don’t worry about that.

There is just one thing that doesn’t make this a “No true scotsman” fallacy though.
It’s not that you were giving out the correct answer, which is then excluded after the fact. You were giving incorrect answer because the question specifically asks for other answers (which none exists according to the original question).

It is still a question with no answer, but this is not “No true scotsman” fallacy.
There is a difference between an unanswerable question, and an answerable question which then becomes unanswerable when an answer is given.

Also, you’re still not giving me proof of the asker committing the fallacy, you’re just explaining what the fallacy is.

If I said they weren’t similar then my bad I’ll take that back. I’m arguing against OP’s suggestion so I disagree with it on the basis that it’d remove a large part of the similarity in obtainment that I pointed out. Increasing the drop rates would solve the issue without making enchants/modifiers even more similar, agreed?

No, because to be honest the main issue isn’t the rarity of modifiers, it’s the rarity of actual stat armor with modifiers,

It doesn’t matter how many modified items you get when 90% of them are fedoras or maid tops


like i said silver chests should drop items that are a minimum of 50 levels below you and gold chests should always drop items that are upgradeable to your level

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Ngl you should suggest that


It’s a no true scotsman fallacy because we’re arguing about the features being similar or not. I point out a similarity, then he asks me to point out another similarity.

I’ve already proven that there’s a dissimilarity, now he’s changing the criteria of the argument to “point out a similarity except for that one”.

I think you’re confusing the no true scotsman fallacy with the idea of there being an answer to his question or not. Whether or not there’s an answer to his question it’s still a no true scotsman fallacy because of what I said above

good suggestion, gotta read the 300 replies now lol, it is very rare to have so much discussion here

facts my brethren

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I did not mean point out A disimilarity, I meant prove they arent SIMILAR.

Toilets and plates are both made out of porcelain, but you wouldn’t eat off a toilet or poop on a plate would you?

Then I missed the proof of the fallacy in question.
I think you should show the evidence that he’s asked you specifically to point out another similarity after you haven proven there’s a dissimilarity.

I did prove that they’re not similar, but you then asked me to do it again while excluding my original proof of the two not being similar, thereby changing the original request (proving that they’re not similar).

Sure, here

How, I apparently missed it.

Why is a simple suggestion causing this many arguments :sob:

Cuz the gambling addicts hate us having fun

The message above has it quoted, you responded to it earlier

Difference, singular.

Also, are you seriously trying to tell me that the free stats from a scroll and the free stats from treasure charts ARENT similar?
This entire argument is dumb. This isn’t gonna prove anything, and it’s more productive for you to just leave and hope this suggestion dies