A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers

A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers
effort 4.371428571428571 35 quality 4.473684210526316 38 reasonability 4.347826086956522 46

ok. tell me how its unreasonable, maybe typ0 can adjust it to make it so

I’m ngl but I kind of just physically cringed from reading this

There, fixed my stinkin’ rating.

my man is coping so hard with this one

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he just likes suffering :wilted_flower:

I literally cannot appeal to stocksounds because his preferences are so… well… archaic.

(no pun intended)

that pun was absolutely intended stop spreading misinformation

You don’t have to, I just like modifiers how they are.


Hyperspace told me to.

yknow Im not sure if this is allowed but can you flag a post for giving a false rating due to opinion?

Buddy I want you to think about that.


i told you it was reasonable, and you should SWAP the reasonability and quality ratings if you don’t like it

But I don’t find it reasonable.

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I don’t think he was telling you to keep the 1 star in reasonability but aight

most people aren’t against this suggestion anyway so may as well just try to recover

you said it was a quality suggestion, and then lowered the stars after being “told to”

if I rated everything 1 star on all 3 things because i didn’t like it even if its a perfectly good and quality suggestion, that’s just stupid.

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I’m rating it based on what I think about it. I don’t find it reasonable at all, I think it’s a quality suggestion, and I think it’s effortful. I lowered the quality to spite you.

dont spite me by screwing up the rating of someone elses suggestion.

(you fool youve been bamboozled, this argument will go on forever and the suggestion will never die!!

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Yeah yeah, don’t worry, I put it back. I don’t mean any opposition to the suggestion itself, besides of course not wanting it.

yea you also ruined my suggestion as collateral damage you soggy waffle :rage:

You missed a spot.