A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers

A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers
effort 4.371428571428571 35 quality 4.473684210526316 38 reasonability 4.347826086956522 46

in other news, how about we actually talk about the suggestion :100:

Weren’t we?

how about as compensation, pre-modified items can appear in charts along with essentias, infact, essentias themselves can be a bit more rare (probably almost entirely likely though if you have a legendary chart) whereas normal modified items appear more frequently.

Modifiers feel too RNG heavy with how many vanity items there are in the game. Having modifiers as their own item is a good idea, but would need changes to how often they drop IMO. It would feel too easy and quick to get. I don’t think things like sunken and boss items should be able to be modified though. I think they would outclass normal items, but I’m not a balancer.

no we were arguing about your rating

Well it’s not like we’re gonna make a whole new topic to say how my rating is bad.

by the way are you confusing essences and essentias? dark sea essentia =/= atlantean essence

that’s what dms are for

I just call them essentias because it rolls off in my mind easier

tbh i agree this needs tweaking, modified boss items/sunkens either shouldn’t be allowed, or base items should be changed that they can be on par with boss items

I think boss items and sunkens can just be kept unchangeable, seems easy enough to fix.

(bandage rating for my reasonability)

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Just make up a random reason as to why modifier essences can’t be used on boss/sunken drops and the problem is solved.

Let’s just say it’s already been modified by their musk.

“this item is too valuable for you to modify, you refuse.”

The AO player is not Kris Dreemur, they have their own free will in most cases.

A pair of pauldrons that happened to be worn by a tomboy fighter is not too valuable to cover in magic butter.

idfk man how about you make a shitty lore reason then

They were already modified in a more professional way that doesn’t change their appearance, and can’t be undone.

Sunkens are just sunked.

or we can just say all sunkens have the drowned modifier (everything except si is a special snowflake and doesn’t get the stats though)