A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers

A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers
effort 4.371428571428571 35 quality 4.473684210526316 38 reasonability 4.347826086956522 46

i was saying that while stocksounds literally just didn’t like the idea at all, i personally like the idea, and that i just think that the modifier problem would be solved once the auction system came out. sorry if that was confusing :man_facepalming:

How so?
The options for getting it would be: grind, trade with an equally rare item (can’t find a player with the item), or overpay for the item with the auction system

There’s still no way for a casual player to acquire the item

i doubt you would overpay in the auction system. if there’s enough competition, which there will be (atleast i think so), then the prices would be fair. if a player is trying to get modifiers on a specific item anyways, they wouldn’t be a casual player, atleast not to me. this all really depends on the prices of the items though and if people are willing to grind for an hour or so to get the galleons. which would take around the same effort or grind as getting a modifier item would (i would assume)

There is a sharp divide between roblox PvP enjoyer who wants a build and no life who’s willing to grind the game 24/7

Nuh uh, a couple traders already have control over the entire economy (the galleon), there’s gonna be more economic bullshit happening when auctions come out. Also if a modified item is commonly used in a build, an auction for it is gonna be INCREDIBLY overpriced, and if it isn’t, nobody’s gonna care enough to auction it

I don’t get your point here, what I said was that I don’t think someone would grind for a specific modifier or want a specific modifier if they were a casual player. You’re just going on about the differences between PVP’ers and Grinders.

Groups controlling the price of things happens, but I’m not sure if I could see that happening with an in-game auction, or atleast I’ve never seen that happen before in any games I’ve played. Also, if a modified item is overpriced, there are going to be the people that want to make money off of it, getting a few of the item and eventually selling it in order to make a profit, driving the price down.

Although I’m acting like I know how its going to work in the future, I genuinely have no clue and I’m just guessing based off of what I’ve seen happen in this game and other games. If the auction system comes out and doesn’t solve this problem, I’ll agree with you that this should be in the game, because it is a good system and idea, I just personally don’t agree with it at this point in time.

Yes exactly, so why should they, the only source of valuable modifiers is scamming or dealing with people who want to scam you

Why did you rate it in the first place if the only gripe you have with it is a theory

You don’t HAVE to rate a suggestion

I’m saying that a casual player (in my idea of them) wouldn’t care about modifiers. Not that they want them but can’t get them.

I’m rating it off of what I think is feasible for the future of the game? If the auction system works out like how its said to be and how I think it will be, then there will be no need to make these modified items less rare and drive down the price/ease of obtaining of them.

Ok but they do

If a casual player gives a shit about PvP, then they are gonna want modifiers

Then rate it when said feature comes out

I highly doubt this will lessen the issue, let alone fix it

Ok yeah we most definitely have different ideas of a casual player, I don’t think in my head that a casual player would care about PvP, more about PvE

This post would be locked by then, and its fine if you don’t think the auction system would help, it’s our differing opinions is all.

i say we should outlaw value lists

Yeah, my point is caring about PvP =/= being ok with grinding modifiers

Exhibit a: me

I’ll make sure it isnt

Yeah, the issue arises you are speculating about the behavior of an extremely volatile community in a nonexistent feature, meaning you basically have 0 basis for your idea, so I don’t see why you even rated the reasonability at all

he doesnt know…

Better idea, ctrl c ctrl v the galleons values into the actual games sell values, THEN take it down

Make the built in anti scam feature actually work

nah just ban all the traders involved fr
then the trading list goes “1 gazillion million galleons for bone”

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I don’t think that it’s the most reasonable feature for the future of the game when looking at what vetex plans to add. I don’t wish to argue about the idea of this future being true or not. If you truly believe that this is good for the game, great! IN MY OPINION (not yours), I just think that it wouldn’t really benefit the game long-term, and that’s all there is to it.

How so

Your argument has been “auctioning will fix it” not “this will cause an issue”

I’m not sure what i meant by that either now that I’m reading back over it. Sorry, I’m annoying to argue with because eventually I just start talking without thinking. :smiling_face_with_tear:

But I shall stand by my opinion and will not change my rating (until the game proves my logic incorrect), as flawed as you believe my reasoning may be.

Soifonfan alt
