A statue of the forums

Now the final 55th character, Vetex himself!

< Vetex unleashes the world! >


Thank you all again for coming along with me on this journey to create this piece of forums history. I can’t put these feelings of gratitude into words so hopefully I’ll be able to with this experience. Look forward to the finished place soon…


Please refrain from smiting the statues, or we’ll have to call security.

Security would also get smited, sorry to say.

You can’t tell Bio what to do!

It’s their artpiece.
They’ll see to it to improve it however they see fit

even if that means summoning vetex to smite the exhibition–

it works!

Now, wheres the ominous dark fog that prevents us from going too far away?

@Bio i got my colour and description here

Updated descriptions again -v- Only 15 left to go. I’ll probably just make them instead of waiting.

40 / 55

hey bio, is tech gonna be next to vetex?

Ngl I forgot ;v;
Uh, If I have any ideas for em I might add them in.

oh i heard tech had dms open, and tech’s replied on the forums before

so this probably isn’t out of reach or anything

Damian Worzel

Captain of the Heatwave Pirates, he’s very chaotic though still a good person, he’s from shell island and is a bounty hunter

Damien Worzel, The Supernova

#DA70D6 for the hex code

@Bio Updated it with a title and color code, if you havent already chosen those for me LOL.

Changed :+1:

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Dawn Cinders, The Cresting Mantle

“A powerful explorer trying to find his place in a the world. He travels the world in hopes of growing in strength and knowledge.”

Vetex gonna transport us to an odyssey, an ARCANE ODYSSEY

Updated again, only 10 left :eyes:


Noire Aurelius, Tower.
#979797 (Hex code)

lets see what kind of description you can come up with
(light mage with attack speed + defense)

Excited to see the finish statues of the forums

Oh forgot the colour sorry, #cf5f31

question, who are the characters that currently have a description?