A statue of the forums

If you can still do it here is the description of my character

Text Color Hex: #8B0000
Lance Asher - The Warmonger

“A person always willing to fight, not as if he’s good at it but he will fight. He was a bounty hunter cleaning islands of their local criminals just for profit and crashing into any ship just for loot. Yes he will rob you just for profit. He’s also that type of person to never let go a grudge, attack his ship? He’ll burn down your boat. Shoot at him? He’ll chase you down. Anyway, LOOK AT HIS FUNNY ROCK :moyai:


Onto the final 5 descriptions that I have to make P:

  • Aurora
  • Bryan
  • Eliot
  • Jack
  • Kiley
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these statues genuinely look very much very cool

good job :+1:

Thank you very much :melting_face:





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It dawned on me I never gave his name lmao

It’s Abram Anchor



None of you are ready. I’ve gotten a sneak peak at the finished place, it’s fucking glorious.


boo! we wanna see it!!

I actually got chills when I loaded in and saw all of us standing there…

Now that this is around the corner, I can’t wait to see the one of the Crown jewels of this Odyssey

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