A suggestion to possibly disable PVP?

you do realize that the primary reason people casually play games is to not be stressed, right?
this isn’t deepwoken, AO is not marketed on how stressful and hardcore it is, if that’s what you’re looking for, look for a lineage game lol.

I don’t hop on AO and think “wow I can’t wait to be looking over my shoulder to make sure I’m not gonna get ambushed constantly!! I love not being able to trust the people I meet to not see me as little more than a possible source of infamy/fame/bounty!!!”
Do you?


facts bro

still, no is no
no arguing about that

Pvp toggle suggestion, prepare for the horde


The community doesnt give a flap

Check out the poll

He said that having positive reputation would prevent you from getting attacked frequently, rather than staying neutral rep. I said that not staying neutral rep would only protect you from Grand Navy sweats because most people who are trying to kill you are villains.

This is only an issue because vetex hasn’t made any changes to renown that make hunting people that pvp more rewarding. I honestly think that npc renown and pvp renown should be two different things, but that sound really weird to implement and honestly, your best option is just getting good at pvp or getting good at running, neither of which are that hard. Honestly the only real reason to not learn pvp is if you’re SUPER laggy.

if i had enough time in my day to harass you with a demotivating paragraph i would :heart:

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If either half of this were true this wouldn’t be a discussion to begin with.
PvP in this game is hellish to get into and incredibly demotivating for alot of people.

You’re a PvPer, you know how miserable getting used to this weird ass combat is starting out.
You continuing to put up with it and reaching the point where its actually fun makes you an exception. That’s not a bad thing, but you really shouldn’t assume everybody (or even most people) will have the same experience as you.
From what I’ve seen, the vast majority of people give up early on and either:
1: Enjoy AO for non-PvP related things
2: Move on from AO to a game that has PvP that doesn’t suck to learn


Finally a suggestion that is actully valid for pvp disable unlike other ones

However its a pvp disable suggestion
Whats your username :blush:

Thanks man, the only reason I posted it here was because I genuinly couldn’t find this thread xD

Fair enough, but out of curiosity did Vetex ever explain why disabling PvP is a No go?

He said he wants the game to like have that atmosphere of not knowing who you can trust, which backfired because now all and all you quite literally are just better off avoiding players entirely

Bait used to be real

It’s not that hard to get good at running, though. Just slap on a 200 agility set and you’re good to go, although some people wouldn’t like having to change their build to deal with bounty hunters- but it’s also not hard to include 200 agility in your main build.

ngl that would take at least a few hours of mindless grinding to get :fr: (or just extreme luck)

Theres literally no other pve content besides grinding so youre good to go :+1:

I fully agree this was literally my idea for like 10 months, it’ll be a good way to separate the PvE and PvP demons from each other and they can do whatever. It would solve a bunch of problems without the removal of global PvP.

if only we could have AA style reputation, where you have reputation (from 8000 to -8000) and bounty/fame (no cap, increases the amount of money you would get on assassination/hunt)