A Summary Of What I Believe Would Be The Ideal Enchanting System

So i’ve talked about it alot recently and realized that it’s become a bit of a mess so here are 2 quotes and a question that summarize it all.
[ i have far too much free time… maybe i should go outside and see if the giant ball of cancer in the sky is friendly… ]

“What reason could possibly justify locking a 20% stat buff behind what can easily be a 100+ hour grind?
It just doesn’t compute, it’s not that it breaks the game it’s just not necessary and makes min maxing extremely tedious.”

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Just make it like the Minecraft enchant system where you can preview what enchant you’re gonna get(with a small chance of it not actually happening) so you can use the enchants you don’t want on bad items.

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i highly doubt that that could be coded in without fundamentally changing the enchantment system.
Which is something that i doubt vetex is willing to do.