A way to unlock player supercharging

A way to unlock player supercharging
effort 4.25 8 quality 4.25 8 reasonability 3.625 8

so we all know that powerful npcs can supercharge attacks now, right?
(note: this is more of a suggestion for later)

proposal: add a quest in the nimbus sea which will power up your charging to give the effects of supercharging
as an idea, we can have a guy in sameria (if there’s another town island he can probably go there) in, as an example, al jahili in an alleyway, named, again as an example, Shakir Sand. the quest would be level 175, and upon talking to him, the exchange would go a little something like: (2 is player, 1 is npc)


1: Hey… You’re (using my player name as an example) Jimmy Crest, right?
2: Yeah, what about it?
1: You’ve been gaining a little popularity in these parts, and I know a little way to enhance your fighting capabilities.
2: How?
1: Whenever you’re using a spell or a technique, you can channel more energy into it to make it more powerful, right?
2: Yeah.
1: With enough practice, those strong enough can apply so much energy into their attacks that they get even larger and more powerful.
2: Okay, how can I practice?
1: If you go out into these seas and fight, you could probably get some good exercise of this technique.

the quest prompt would then pop up, being something like “Deal 5000 total damage to pirate NPCS with fully charged attacks” (pirate npcs so you cant cheese the quest off players)
once you come back to the npc, he’ll say something like

Dialogue 2

1: What’s the deal? Have you figured it out?
2: Yeah.
1: Great job, I hope you can help our people more with this power.

at which point it appears in your info menu like awakening or dodge reflex. the description of the card/square/whatever is: “Through training, you have learned how to supercharge your attacks with energy, drastically improving their damage and size when charged.”


  • Great idea
  • Good idea, needs some touch-ups (dialogue changes dont count as i expect those from vetex, i am not a dialogue master)
  • Neutral on this
  • Bad idea
  • Horrible idea never cook again
0 voters
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I like the idea of acquiring the ability to use supercharge and I hope for more ideas of unique abilities like this and dodge reflex to be added later on. However when you say 5000 damage is that in total of multiple attacks or with one hit? Because if it’s with one hit that might be pretty much impossible.

over multiple attacks, just edited it to say ‘total’

I feel like supercharging is just enemies holding the attack-key like players :broken_heart:


yeah exactly thats why player supercharging is just an upgrade of charging attacks

My ultimate art 20 earth shields (supercharged) carries
don’t mind it being extremely specific (dissing on every horrible magic)

supercharge ult art plasma cannon
“Ultimate Art: Hollow Purple!”

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Small change, make it so you have to click while charging to supercharge. You might want a fully charged attack WITHOUT supercharging it for one reason or another

the point of supercharging is just to be better attacks so idk why i would do that

Because I might want to charge an attack but not supercharge an attack since it takes longer than normal charging?

supercharging takes 2 seconds to do, charging an attack to max also takes 2 seconds to do
just stop holding the attack early

Oh I thought you meant when you hit max attack charge you start the supercharging animation, doubling the time needed

no its just a direct upgrade, npcs can do it why cant we

aint npc supercharging the same as players holding down an ability

No, you can see like an aura around them when they do it and the buffs to the attacks are far more noticeable

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ig it could be a way to make holding down attacks more viable

“Ultimate art: supercharged shatter cannon!”
And you’ve successfully gotten hollow purple

“With this Sacred Supercharged Ultimate Art I summon…”

Alright I’m going to suggest/cook up a rare spell for magic level 280.

Pressure/Gravity magic is probably purple. Plasma fits the color the best though.