A way to unlock player supercharging

A way to unlock player supercharging
effort 4.25 8 quality 4.25 8 reasonability 3.625 8

i think it was that and airstalls

gonna admit i didnt really read this, i was going off the dodge reflex quest precedent of hunting random generated npcs (pirates here as opposed to criminals there)

Ngl that quest is also kinda boring, especially when you’re levelling multiple files (annoying going there and boring going around islands). It almost makes sense thematically but you can easily cheese it by killing low level criminals.

tbh it should be changed to combat with level 100+ criminals
anyways we’re off topic

Yeah ill stop now before ??? happens (I was gonna make another reply about the magic dodge suggestion)

I would love to have this ingame, I already have MASSIVE explosions in game that lag myself for a good 10 seconds afterwards. I’m on a quest to make the biggest explosion possible and this will only help me!

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